Do you have a link to this movie?
Journey to the Savage Planet is grossly underated: fun, simple game, just challenging enough and extremely well polished.
so remember during the BLM movement there was a march that went through a gated community (IIRC), and this dumpy little dude and his wife came out to their front lawn with an AR-15 & little pew pew pistol-bith brandishing it like they’ve never ever picked them up before but regardless, there they were, armed and ready to shoot someone or something.
now imagine that scenario with MAGA going in to a liberal gated community…what do you think would happen?
My money is on the MAGAs shooting (or worse) the couple who were just … incredulous and indignant about the whole thing up until they died.
America is ugly now, it will get a whole lot worse when they start shooting each other while those with means escape the chaos.
It is! Thanks
Where can you get this download?
Oh man that’s …funny
Fucking hilarious
Yeah a Phillips headset with removable mic and on/mute toggle on the cord.
Works really well, happy with it but it gets warm in the summer…like I don’t need more hotness in the heat.
No no, it’s an illegal immigrant caravan!
Chris De burgh?
Still a better layout than some kitchens I’ve seen/worked in.
The extreme storms are just time wasters…not immersive at all when you sit in a river for 5 min, or just go afk, make a sandwich & come back for 2 minutes before another storm hits.
So this happened to me as well, all the planets I had named reverted back to their original name but were still founded by me…so I thought why bother? and then it just lost its appeal.
Wellllll…I mean if the military is interested in it, that may be a selling point
I’m planning to put wheels on my granny so she can be called a bicycle, too!
Like, serious question: did anyone ever have to pay for it? I just remember having it, I thought it was a demo game for the Unreal engine and was free to play/came pre installed on other games.
Fucking hell, man. Good one.
The best technology ever stolen. That’s why they named their company Bejioing.
somehow I doubt this was a cyber attack and his teams ineptitude is just using them as scapegoats