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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2023


  • Hey! Dropping you a line in this AW2 thread too! lol

    I love AW2. I think it might’ve been your post that made me pick up Control, actually. LOVED that! And the DLC is massive and so much fun. I loved the AW tie-ins.

    We seem to have a pretty similar taste in games, so I’m glad to hear you loved and wanted to replay Silent Hill 2 right after playing it. That’s my next purchase, for sure. Although, where we differ is that I LOVE replaying games. Especially games like Cyberpunk, where the openness and discovery of the thing leaves a lot to keep finding. I mean, shit, I’m on an embarrassing number of playthroughs and im still finding new locations, new ways to interact or new pieces of each gig story to see. Love it.

    My all-time games (I’m a very new gamer) are Cyberpunk, RDR2, AW2, and Control. I want to find more that strike me in the way these have.

  • The thing is, universal action like this, even on a fraction of the scale necessary to make a dent and ultimately change things, just doesn’t work because people will always bow to capitalism. They’ll kick the dirt and grumble under their breath as they pull out their wallets.

    I know you’re saying just wait until it’s on sale, but the power of “keeping up with the joneses” is unfortunately a tried a true way of capitalism. When people are talking about the game in the first weeks and posting memes and making in-jokes, people that were trying to hold out will cave like a poorly managed mining operation.

  • They’re the only games I enjoy. And I could’ve sworn I’ve seen people all over the internet lamenting the loss of story-driven single player games in this era of GTA online. These douchebags are either salivating looking at GTA online profitability and talking bullshit or they’re so goddamn deluded with their head so far up their own ass that they can’t tell their colon from their pancreas.

    On the topic, anyway: my favorite games are RDR2, Cyberpunk, and Alan Wake 2. I wasn’t always a gamer, but the graphics have gotten so good and the stories so involved (in these here specifically) that I became one later in life. But now I’ve played all three of those games to death. Do you have any recs for similar games I might enjoy? I was just looking around the PS store and felt like I was swimming through nonsense. I really wanted to play Stalker 2, but it’s not out for PS5 yet. The next game I’m eyeing is a silent Hill 2 remake. Not a big fantasy person, either. I like stories with their feet in the real world. Don’t mean to single you out to give me advice, but figured I’d ask in case you had something you really liked.

  • Ah, see, I love the game. I’ve been replaying it, actually. I think the endings, yeah, they’re all pretty sad. Even the one ending where

    Tap for spoiler

    You actually get the cure, it’s a massive, massive bummer. Life moves on without V, and they are stuck. They try to go back to their life, and they realized it’s all gone when they got what they were trying for the whole time. Every ending but one is genuinely sad.

    And that’s super duper rare, it feels like. I truly appreciate that everything was a gut punch. I really like my V, and when I’ve replayed it I make them the same way (looks-wise, I have made different builds). The male voice actor was not for me. I think he sounded like a douchebag and I couldn’t root for my own character. And that first play through I was honestly a little disappointed with the game. But when I found “my” V, I was much more invested.

    I love the difficult choices they saddle you with. It was a big part of the game for me because they really made you feel like there were no right options, or two right options, and you weren’t just choosing black or white, you were choosing moral grayness or moral grayness. And you had to sit with those choices and, as OP pointed out, watch the consequences unfold for the—I feel, very well-written and acted—NPCs.

    I really love the game. It and RDR2 are my favorites. I was never a gamer growing up. In my thirties I started playing games, but I am a huge story person—books, movies, tv shows—and I think the stories and the characters made it. So when I found games that let me really get a sense of these characters, even if there is a lot of dialogue, it’s like I’m playing a really long movie. That’s ideal for me. I could see how some people who game heavily wouldn’t like it though. But I fuckin love that game and its spiritual twin (IMO), RDR2. Both maybe “limited” for true gamers, but for some filthy cazh like me, fuckin excellent and highly enjoyable.