That first paragraph is rough
That first paragraph is rough
He just wants the keys
Has to be opt in
I can understand why they don’t put a Linux-specific icon, because there is such a variety of builds and hardware permutations that people could start complaining “it said it could run on Linux but it doesn’t run on my Linux.“ The umbrella is just too broad.
Local information for locally run software =/= phoned home to valve for whatever usage they want at all times for all purposes unless you have a source saying otherwise.
Do you have one?
So you don’t have one.
What is ShadPS4
They don’t have all our specs only those of people who opt in to the hardware survey.
Wow thank you!
Unfortunately when I mentioned I had a Mac everyone got really nasty and told me to buy a PC/“you should’ve done your homework.” 😅
I have a 2017 MBPro that can still handle 4K video rendering. It’s already in my possession! Why would I go buy something else? But everyone was too angry at the idea of my using a Mac to care sadly.
I have a founder’s account at $5/mo so I have no interest in upgrading lol. As for updates, I remember with BG3 frequently having to wait for updates to go through in the early months specifically on GFN after release while my steam deck could just get right back into it.
I like GFN but some games are unplayable with the latency, despite how impressively low it is. And while the library is pretty decent it’s definitely not comprehensive.
I’ve been juggling steamdeck / GFN / Xbox for years and I’m sort of ready to just go whole hog on a $1500-$2000 tower.
Bazzite and Pop are top of my list currently
Ngl these are pretty slick. I think I’d rather try my hand at a build but if it had more disposable income I’d probably go for it.
I’ve seen a few bazzite advocates here so it’s definitely top of the list for checking out right now. I’m a big fan of SteamOS and wish I could just install that lol but this seems like a great alternative so far
Thank you!
Yeah I think AMD is the route I want to go for several reasons tbh.
Thank you! I messed with Mint once and it was easy enough to get up but wifi didn’t work out the box which was irritating. Is that common in your experience?
Full disclosure it was an intel MBpro lol
I am a huge fan/proponent of FLOSS where possible.
That being said, for enterprise solutions with large teams, I have yet to see a FLOSS solution that is as intuitive or ubiquitous as the major players.
For instance, I fucking hate zoom. Basically everything about it. But I also can’t possibly suggest other platforms for remote recording participants because I deal with people across the computer literacy spectrum. They all understand zoom, regardless of generation or experience with a computer. When they don’t understand it, it’s easy to guide them. I hate it but it’s reality and it’s a major cost when you abandon popular platforms.
It is a tall ask when folks want me to be the trendsetter who makes
my companythe company I work for break from the major platforms to their own detriment in the hopes that others will follow suit all to save a few thousand dollars a year and to advocate for an ideal.