Can anyone recommend a good server for this? I’m looking for one that’s federated with everything else.
Can anyone recommend a good server for this? I’m looking for one that’s federated with everything else.
I think keeping it in an isometric perspective helps to simplify things a lot. The mechanics wouldn’t have to be as immersive and it should allow for more freedom for things to change depending on the player’s preferences. I’m still skeptical but at least it seems they’re going in a reasonable direction.
It’s too bad we never got a third installment. It would’ve been cool to see where they’d go after Serkonos like the Pandyssian Continent. With the way things are going with the devs that’s probably a good thing though.
Fantasian. It was made by the father of Final Fantasy Hironobu Sakaguchi and composed by Nobuo Uematsu and feels just like a PS1 era FF game. It’s a bittersweet sensation knowing this is probably the last time we’ll have such a title made by these legendary figures working together but I’m happy they released it all the same.
There’s a very crucial fact you’re forgetting about corporations who say they care about anything. They’re liars and only care about money.
Raid builds hurt financially up front but can save you from a lot of heartache later, even with larger disks.
I’m grateful for OPs who paste at least some of the relevant information into the post without having to click on the link. Personally it’s better to avoid going to the site since you’re bombarded with cookie notices, subscription solicitations, browser notification requests, and even ads of you’re not using uBlock.
Part of the reason is because most people don’t notice the lawsuits or think this is boilerplate legal stuff that happens in the background all the time. They’re too distracted by the entertainment side of things.
It’d be nice if JRPGs would go back to the old school overworld design like in Star Ocean 2. It’s a good compromise between sense of scale and interactivity with the world.
It’s easy to be patient when you have a backlog of games to go through. Paying full price for a game that still has Denuvo or other forms of DRM just isn’t worth it for me. That said, I’m very sad Fantasian will be released with Denuvo soon after years of languishing in Apple Arcade.
Nice are you gonna go with a Raid 1 setup?
The game was a lot of fun. The only issue I had with it was how the endings branch out. I won’t go into too much detail but let’s say I didn’t expect a seemingly benign choice leading me to become such an asshole.
The prohibitions in question would include vehicles with certain bluetooth, satellite and wireless features as well as highly autonomous vehicles that could operate without a driver behind the wheel.
Chinese vehicles sold in the US would have the same internet connectivity as a base 2007 Honda Civic. Surveillance by the Chinese would be practically impossible with those limitations. You know who gets a pass on installing everything from internet connected cabin-facing cameras, accelerometers, microphones, and GPS tracking? US-based auto manufacturers!
That’s right, they can and will take all the data they have about you and sell them to data brokers. Enjoy paying a higher insurance premium because you braked too hard one time. Did your shiny new GM’s shitty drivetrain give out on you because their engineering is garbage and you want to claim the warranty for repairs? Too bad, you accelerated a little too hard that one time to get out of the way of a speeding truck and now they claim it was your bad driving that broke it.
I get you hate the CCP, most of us do (except the tankies here but they’re a special case) but until we rein in the lazy and corrupt domestic vehicle industry it’s gonna be a hard fight to get rid of Chinese vehicles encroaching on the market even with 100% tariffs.
I was one of those people flipping out about the Rockstar Social Club and Ubisoft Connect crap. There’s zero need to force additional DRM on paying customers. We might not have all been vocal but we were around.
Nice to know Chinese EVs will be the choice for privacy-minded individuals in the US soon. Being cheaper than western brands is a nice big fat cherry on top.
It helps if you barely ever play Ubisoft games to begin with. BOTW and Horizon are just about all I can take for that style of map design.
The only way to convince you this is wrong is if you get swatted and have your dog killed for barking too much in front of you while cuffed.
Are you planning to have this on GoG as well?
I just played it for the first time 4 months ago and it still holds up incredibly well. The art direction definitely helps cut down on the expanded rendering capabilities of modern PCs. While you’ll still have some reduced resolutions of distant landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, you’ll barely notice it as the distance is often covered by buildings, trees, hills, Nazi fortifications, and so on.