23 days agoValve make games?
Valve make games?
How would you disable NAT and still use ipv4 unless you are able to assign a public IPv4 to your PC (and have nothing else in the network)?
I like to use asterisk spacing.
void main() {
/****/for (int i=0; i <10; ++I) {
/********/printf("hello world\n");
/********/printf("%d\n", i);
I had a similar problem with hard lockups especially when doing package updates (Arch). After seeing a report on Gaming on Linux about the Nvidia 550 driver (I think it was that one) causing freezes, I uninstalled it and just ran on the intel igpu. Never had a single freeze again. Waited for 555 driver, installed that, and immediately got lockups during package updates (and randomly sometimes) again. I’ve now installed the nvidia-open package to see if it fixes it, and so far so good.
I have no skin in this game (played the switch version, didn’t care for the game loop) but the first one looks slightly worse, but much more appealing. It has enough detail to get the mind juices flowing but with a visual simplicity to grow what is happening at a glance. The second one looks nice, but I struggle to tell what is going on at a glance.