because i dont want others accessing my phone?
because i dont want others accessing my phone?
why unlock it if i dont need to?
Ohh dont worry, ill recite the lords prayer five times to repent for having fun with a trash game
You’re just upset because I dared to be critical of something you and the bandwagon enjoy.
“my opinion is unpopular, therefore i must be right” will never not be hilarious to me. but hey, go ahead and enjoy the metal gear games. i heard they are a bit underground, but that seems to suit your style
sorry but everything you wrote honestly sounds like “this game is not for me, therefore its bad”
He noted in an interview after getting the chance to make his own studio that if he was “still happy” with what Platinum was doing, he would still be there.
He went on to note that he needed to create his own studio because it would give him the creative freedom he felt he needed to keep making the games he loved.
(from the kamiya section of the article)
soo… he left capcom to form platinum to make the games he always wanted to make. now hes leaving platinum to create a studio where he can make the games he always wanted to make?
i wonder if we will ever see the game kamiya always wanted to make, and how many studios he will have found and left by then.
Mate is 2 hypecycles late to the party
They didnt block steam deck support, they just changed the rating which indicates how well a game plays on the deck. the author himself says that the game still runs fine.
the binding of isaac: rebirth. steam claims ~800 hours, but with the time I played offline, its probably closer to 1300-1400
25 is the lowest floor. after that, you can either choose to end the run or do an ascension
do devs ever get something from the sale? i would imagine they have positions with salaries, not some type of “you get x% from every sale” sort of deal.
am i dumb or do those two achievements have the exact same requirement?
yes, for the most part. unless im REALLY interested in a game, i generally wait till i find it on 50%+ sale. the last game i bought on full price was hi-fi rush, and the last one before that would have been dmc5, if the rx580 i bought at the time didnt already have a code included
cooperations are people tho :(
it actually works in a decent number of games i think. now i dont have one of those controllers, but i use a ps5 controller to play, and used ds4windows to map the touchpad to mouse and the mute button to left-click (initially just so i dont need to put down the controller when not in-game) control and just cause 3 both didnt really have problems with dual-input, though just cause 2 did.
deleted by creator
didnt know a control sequel is in the works
Mhh thats weird, i actually downloaded revanced today because newpipe/tubular (and libretube, to some extend) stopped working. Runs without issue, though i still prefer newpipe, so im happy about these news
im fine with potentially giving strangers the ability to activate the flashlight or putting my phone in silent mode