Second Children of Morta.
Second Children of Morta.
Depends on which distro has the most children.
Can’t believe that woke garbage Wolfenstein is in there. /s
Arcanum had such an amazing world. The push and pull of technology and magicka, a world going through industrialization and it’s ills, and it’s lore.
Definitely has some flaws when it comes to bugs. Get the fan patch and Arcanum is great time.
The reused map designs in Dragon Age 2 was so annoying. It’s up with there with Mass Effect 1’s planet exploration.
Just tell your family you can’t make it cause of Cub 7. If they know, they will understand.
Fuck. I lost it too.
Removed by mod
Civ 3. I want my stacks of doom and the ability to blow up improvements and roads with artillery attacks.
For an interest free loan!*
*If the loan is not repaid back by the end of the term, we will crush your country in debt and seize all natural resources to pay it back.
There is the Baldur Gate 1 and 2 Enhanced Edition that has multiplayer. I never really tried it, so I can’t say how good it is.
Another one is Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura. The multiplayer has standalone campaigns. Definitely need to get the fan patches for this game.
Second this. It’s a puzzle game that is all about communication. One player is in the room that has to solve the puzzle, the other player is in a different room that has the solution to the puzzle.
This is a game that you don’t play being able to look at each other screens.
Survival Coop
Seconding the We Were Here series.
Patient gamers for the win.
It’s all about projection.
“In manual fulfillment centres, Jane would walk around the warehouse. That would be tiring—she could easily do 15 or 16 km per day, often more—but at least she would see people,” the report states. “In a robotic fulfillment centre, associates in pick work at fixed stations, with just the robots for company.”
I remember someone on Lemmy linking to a story about how AI effectively isolated workers from their colleagues in order to be “efficient”. Now, I see it as a way to break solidarity between workers.
If we regrow teeth, we can regrow bone, muscle, and nerves. Almost immediately, that technology will be privatized and only the rich will be able to afford it.
Capitalism will say “Fuck you poors”.
One flop and they’re axed?
I think this comes from the mindset that if someone isn’t generating immediate success. It’s time to fire them. We see this a lot in sports. Team off to a terrible start with a new coach? Fire the coach and start trading players.
It really highlights how organizations see people as disposable. If people don’t make line go brrr, out the door they go.
Remake Morrowind.
Oh wait, Skywind is taking care of that.