Nah it was never added to backwards compatibility on the xbone or series X. I tried so many times with hope in my eyes to put the disc in and nada.
Nah it was never added to backwards compatibility on the xbone or series X. I tried so many times with hope in my eyes to put the disc in and nada.
Yeha but the pessimist in me thinks of box’s backwards compatibility where only the games they curated would work. Still can’t play eternal sonata anymore.
What bugs me is i thought it was cause of the switch 2 pending, but turns out the switch 2 won’t be fully backwards compatible
Mainly Banishers Ghosts of New Eden. I don’t have much money at the moment due to almost 4 months of unemployment, just got a new job and with my first paycheck from 4 days of work I got that, plus the new humble bundle, a couple coloring packs cause I like the pixel coloring books, and a couple games that were $2-3 each: a zelda clone called Blossom Tales, The Snow Fable: Mystery of the Flame (I also like hidden object adventure games), a lovecraftian 2d platformer called The Last Case of Benedict Fox, and adventure game version of Sherlock Holmes: Hound of the Baskervilles and a Wipeout clone called Flashout 3.
Seriously? Are they gonna go after TemTem. Coromon, Cassette Beasts, or any number of Pokémon clones for being too similar? The only thing i can see as a legitimate thing to sue on is if they find out palworld did use AI based off of Pokémon models to generate their models, but I think that was just a rumor anyway.
So… they saw starfield’s expansion and were like, yeah we can do that but better
F encompasses all the Final Fantasy , Final Fight, Fable, Fallout, Far Cry, Forza Horizon series, and some individual games like Forspoken, Forsaken, Fez, Fermi Paradox, Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy, Fae Tactics and many others.
I mean… all these glitches really seem tame compared to skyrim on launch. Talk about a dumpster fire but it’s one of the best selling games of the century.
You didn’t build a garden in bejeweled. I said original match 3 and build. I was playing bejeweled on a flip phone. Didn’t know about shariki.
Gardenscapes is the original match 3 and build a mansion and is still my favorite. There are micro transactions to get additional power ups, but the fact that they are constantly updating with new seasonal events and you never run out of levels
I couldn’t get the xbox version to run emulated. It was all black, none of the graphics loaded. But i did get the ps3 version working.