Ys 5? No such thing! Hoax!
Ys 5? No such thing! Hoax!
Hmmm. Maybe I’ll give it another go. I only got about two or three hours in before I moved onto other items in the backlog.
Origins. Bayek is easily the most relatable and grounded character, and the story does a great job of setting up the origins of the Assassins. My only gripe is that Aya really needed more development and a game of her own.
Its odd, because I played the crap out of VIII, but hardly got into Monstrum Nox and am not even sure if I’m getting Nordics when it comes out on Switch. I probably will, but I feel like the series peaked with Dana.
I really like the Switch version, but I really got into the series playing this and Memories of Celceta. I kinda wish I still had the Vita, as I’m pretty sure it’s the only system with every game from 1-8 on it.
Mostly for the convenience of having all of the games on one platform?
Then why is the bill about DIVESTMENT of Tiktok from Chinese ownership? The operation headquarters are in Los Angeles and Singapore. I’m beginning to think you don’t know what you’re talking about.
60% of ByteDance is owned by global investors, most of which are based in the US. 20% is owned by the original co-founders, none of whom have any ties to the CCP, and the remaining 20% is owned by employees, almost all of which are in California. The overwhelming majority of the company is already owned by Americans. This entire thing is all about trying to silence a source of information that challenges and refutes government interests, particularly where Palestine is concerned.
You do know that the overwhelming majority of investment and control in TikTok is already based in the US, and the only Chinese national involved with the app was the creator who already cashed out and retired a long time ago?
Can we take a moment to appreciate how Metroid II really did the groundwork for what Super Metroid perfected? I don’t think SM would have flown to the heights it has had Metroid II not taken the risks it did.
Edit: this wasn’t intended as a reply to a comment and should have been it’s own comment!
It doesn’t work on anything, apparently. That’s kinda the point of the post.