You can prevent that issue by coding in the newest version of godot
You can prevent that issue by coding in the newest version of godot
I try to get 60 FPS, 30 is fine and i could live with 20
10 if the alternative is lag spikes
Its possible to link to specific comments on lemmy
In this case its not important since there are little comments, but it leaves no space for confusion and is easy(especially considering you copied the text for another reply)
Is there any reason to use libresprite instead of asesprite?
Asesprite source code is available and has clear instructions on how to compile from source
I played the demo on linux and it ran without any problems
They should conquer a country like Switzerland and split it in 2
At the border, they should build a prison so they could put them in both an American and a Chinese prison
artificial intelligence
AI has been used in game development for a while and i havent seen anyone complain about the name before it became synonymous with image/text generation
Hasnt that been added in bedrock edition?
Notch has a track record of announcing things he wouldnt add
I am still waiting for fortress mode to be added to Minecraft, for the planned dlc and for the game to be licensed under an open source license
YouTube has 2,5 billion monthly users, that is almost twice the number of monthl users Windows 10 has
If YouTubes days are numbered, they are using a big number
Because steam multiplayer is implemented into the game, you cant open the app if steam is not installed
If a game has multiplayer, it most likely has DRM
Terraria and Cuphead are games i know dont work because of that
I got Gelatine after forgetting about it being in my wishlist for half a year
You can play the game without the steam client
It being proprietary isnt in the top 5 of the list of my problems with AI
A lot of steam games dont have drm
You would lose only most of your library, not all of it
HolyOS, Hannah Montana linux, AmongOS
When it stops being profitable to sell in the EU
According to Wikipedia, apple is the second most profitable company so i dont think that will happen soon
This is probably not what you are looking for, but if everyone is going to be playing at the same time and they are on java, you can use a mod like World host or e4mc
Also, if someone is using pirated minecraft, you have to set to false online_mode in the server.proprities file on the server(this will also remove skins, but that can be fixed using a plugin/mod if you are using custom software for the server; and will allow anyone to log into anyone elses account, which can be exploited if a player has operator permissions)