It certainly looks that way.
It certainly looks that way.
Counter argument: The maintainers could “easily” relocate to a country that is not currently conducting an invasion to enlarge its territory.
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Fennec, which is a Firefox clone, and I use it because it allows (allowed) me more customization than the default Firefox.
This is the future StopKillingGames wants us to live in.
The devs are doing some damage control in the comments. But to be fair, they very clearly say that you won’t be paid, so you can’t say you have been led astray by dubious marketing.
I know that it is a can of worms politically, but now the man the whole world owes the wake-up call that were his leaks to, is forced to live under Putin.
If Snowden ever did, he hardly did it out of his own volition.
It really is a shame how spineless european politicians are, to not give Edward Snowden protection in europe. I bet a whole bunch of politicians are happy that he faded out of the collective mind, so they don’t have defend their indefensible standpoint of not giving Snowden amnesty.
It also sucks that there is no recourse against politicians that are clearly biased in their decisionmaking.
Which also means that marxist.wiki/article/communism will be completely different from libertarian.wiki/article/communism. I think I will take Wikipedia’s attempt at impartiability over a “wikipedia” destined to just devolve into islands of “alternative facts”
Don’t say the big R-word or they’ll remove your post. That’d be POLITICS! Even if it is directly related to what you’re talking about.