I enjoy me a good HoI 4. Less visceral, but I get to kill them by the company instead.
I enjoy me a good HoI 4. Less visceral, but I get to kill them by the company instead.
Woah, you can trust big corps!
But only to fuck you over.
Ah, my bad. The comic Asterix & Obelix had a theme in the English translation of common turns of phrase or puns ending in -ix as names of the Gauls.
The chief was Vitalstatistix, the bard was Cacofonix, and so on.
Gaulic mason?
I adore this back-and-forth, but is the metaphor here doing anything any more?
Imma need you to expand this answer.
I don’t care for controller gaming much, but this one didn’t strike me as notably worse than amy other.
Bah, VI or nothing.
I’m still fairly new. Where do I go for modlog drama?
Bold of you to assume I didn’t build my battlestation around the shitter.
Also a subscriber, also pleased.
More importantly, as an aspiring privacy nut, can you share that research with me?
Not as intended? Or not as advertised?
The newish hauler job out of the warehouse helps that for me. But totally agree about the fresh take on citybuilders.
The first hit’s free: bay12games.com/dwarves
Remember that this isn’t something to win, or really even be good at. Instead this is a story generator. I like sprawling forts with dozens of faceless drones, but if you prefer a more intimate fort where you can follow each name through their life and untimely demise, you can change the max pop in the settings.
Work orders are your only friend here.