Yes they have. They’ve just recently nuked on the Switch emulator.
And you can bet that if they could, Nintendo would go out of their way to sue any other emulator developer that emulates their games. The only things saving some of those emulators is technicalities like open-source.
Okay so I’ve watch some of the video and I’m annoyed by it. A problem in the video has been highlighted when it comes to indie games and that’s genre favoritism.
Indie game development seems to have such a hard on for roguelikes, strategy and anything that is addicting with retro visuals. That to me throws a lot of red flags. He does show some other games from other genres, but the ratio is evident. A lot of the games don’t really impress me that much and that’s coming from someone who has already been spoiled with the best of what indie gaming had to offer in previous years.
That guy is also kindof annoying too. “I realllly want to play”, “addicting” .etc
You see…
It’s okay when THEY do it.
It’s not okay when YOU do it.
That’s how they function.
We already knew this. It’s just a grifting thing now.