I’ll have to give it a try.
Off topic, but WHY THE FUCK in the 10 years of VR gaming there is ZERO Tron games? Like???
smash bros ult chess homelab/selfhosting accountant
I’ll have to give it a try.
Off topic, but WHY THE FUCK in the 10 years of VR gaming there is ZERO Tron games? Like???
I don’t play skater games, but like whats so wrong with all the old ones? Didn’t they just remake Tony Hawk? How can these games be so different? I get playing ‘new’ games in your favorite genre, but I feel like you can only do so much with this formula, kind of like guitar hero.
ain’t falling for that
Hello, I am also new at self hosting semi recently. There is a bit of a learning curve, but once your over the hump, it gets a lot better.
First, 100% use docker desktop if your using windows. Most github projects have a docker file you can use. This will take out 90% of the setup required and you don’t have to worry about applications not working on your computer. Thats the point of docker, to remove the “doesn’t work on my computer” problem.
Here are some independent github projects that I found useful for me and were simple to setup.
Love Kojima. Will play anything he makes even for a little because of his legacy.
I am really trying to get into games blind, especially a Kojima experience, but can someone tell me if this is looking like a ‘true’ Death Stranding 2, as in, the same overall game play loop of delivering packages and finding human connection in the world?
Well… to me this seems awfully close to “stop hitting yourself problem”.
Why are you looking comments everywhere? Do you really need that information to make a decision? Is it so bad to play a bad game now and then? I don’t see a problem, because this problem is easily avoidable by not going to social media for opinions.
Or am I missing the point?
Hi! My partner is a middle school band teacher. I have been trying to find anything that is music related for her so I can help her classroom workflow.
Any recommendations? Because I honestly can’t find anything good. I will check out Sheetable soon.
Yeah, as a past tax accountant, I wouldn’t count on it.
Because not only would you need to be updating tax regulation every year (which is completely unpredictable with new laws and interpretations) you would also need to update it for every country and state/providence.
No one should do that for free.
My partner and I have played 4 hours so far. It is definitely a good game, feels smooth platforming wise. Also isn’t ‘easy’ (casual gamer standards) since it has a lot of different types of gameplay that they throw at you and makes you think on your feet. For instance, my partner (who is a gamer, but only for certain genres) had trouble with flying/driving in some sections.
So far a 5/5 game. I did come across some bugs, but nothing annoying or game breaking. Just funny ‘hiccups’ like sticking to objects that can be fixed by just button mashing or something.
Fun little project. Sure it is probably impractical, but you decided to try out an idea you had.
Honestly that’s exactly what I come to the internet for, to see little personal projects. Who cares if they work or not.
I am sure you were at least entertained through the cold, and that is something a heater would not of done.