I’d argue this is a wash. Linux is more convenient in many ways but Windows is in others.
👨💻 Passionate PHP developer 🐧 Linux junkie 🖥️ Avid PC gamer ☕ Coffee aficionado 👫 Dedicated husband 👨👧👦 Proud father of two
I’d argue this is a wash. Linux is more convenient in many ways but Windows is in others.
Everything old is new again.
Valve releasing a competitive game doesn’t prevent you from doing this. I for one am excited by the potential of this game. Then again, I’ve been playing Dota for 10 years so maybe I’m just a masochist.
No and, in fact, this was (and still is) a selling point of Git over the alternatives (e.g. Subversion) available at the time that required you to “check out” some code and no one else could check out/modify that code while you had it checked out.