No Man’s Sky was my favorite experience on the original PSVR and I know it runs on the PSVR2 as well.
No Man’s Sky was my favorite experience on the original PSVR and I know it runs on the PSVR2 as well.
Yeah, I guess he’s really transphobic and every time someone reaches out to talk about Earthworm Jim, he gets really weird and political.
Isn’t the creator/owner problematic?
My first thoughts were Final Fantasy because you have all the enemies you need. And they’ve already branched out into monster catching and Souls-like. So might as well.
My second thought was X-men because the Genesis games were already kinda built for that.
The hodgepodge of different vehicles in different terrains was so incredibly fun to navigate no matter which vehicle type you chose. And using 6axis was just a whole other level, even if it wasn’t the easiest way to play.
Oh, the two-pack on PSN is only $7.50 right now. I think I’ll pick it up.
But also Spider-Ham, Peter Porker, is a real character with audience familiarity from Into the Spider-Verse.
Dang, I got excited that we were getting another Amplitude.
I’d pay for a mobile version of this. But I’m going to have to play this on a computer.
I assume it doesn’t work anymore. But you would set your PSP to ad-hoc, go into ad-hoc party on your PS3, find someone in a lobby with your game, and your PSP would act as if it found a local connection.
I’ve been wanting to play Dissidia over ad-hoc between my Vita and Vita TV. Did you ever play online using the PS3’s ad-hoc party?
I got a Vita TV recently and hacked it to put a larger memory card into it. I’ve been using it as a small PS1.
I didn’t really want to hack it with emulators because it’s extra work and their actual PS1 catalog is quite expensive. But a few games that I own physically were never made available. Or in a couple cases, the digital games were blocked from Vitas for some reason.
Wandering around in Morrowind before I really knew what I was doing, being happy just to find a few coins in a tree stump or a crappy dagger.
Other games have given more extreme emotions. But no other game has instilled such a joyous sense of wonder.
I met my wife playing Rock Band. It was definitely a top gaming moment. But I didn’t realize at the time what it would lead to eventually.
Secondary games are also my main. Rogue Legacy 1 & 2, Loco Roco, old Final Fantasy games, Spyro.
I need to have the energy and time to dig into a main game, and I usually do not have that after a long day when everyone else goes to sleep.
I love the inFamous games. inFamous 2 in particular is in my top 5. I’m trying to remember some of the choices, but some of them are execute the mass murderer or not in one (or multiple) cases. But also, they have a variation of the trolley problem which I thought was a nice touch. The ultimate decision in 2 is pretty extreme, but it’s also the culmination of two games worth of selfish vs selfless decisions.
The biggest morality question though is whether to use area of effect vs precision damage.
Having said that, I think it’s interesting how these two games are so similar on a surface level. But in my experience, most people heavily prefer one or the other. I remember my friend and I were each obsessed with one of the two franchises when they came out, but neither of us were interested in the other.
Side note: inFamous 2 had a standalone DLC which just used the map from 2 with an entirely new powerset, and it was awesome. But it was a lot shorter than a full game. However, I remember losing interest in Bioshock 2 because it felt like I was just replaying the first game.
Technically ∞ Loop on my phone. But the last real game I was playing was Jade Cocoon.
I have zero problem with consoles investing in new IPs and funding high budget games as console sellers.
But I don’t like these buyouts or pointless exclusives. I don’t know why there are still exclusive Final Fantasy games.
I got my Xbox Series to play Fable. It also doubles as an extra Halo machine for Lan parties. But it was really for Fable.
Still waiting, but it’s supposed to finally come out next year I believe.
I was on board with PS5 immediately with Ratchet & Clank and I’ve been pretty happy with it.
For the record, I was also immensely disappointed in XV. However I loved XVI. The ability cool downs in particular felt very ATB-like to me and I loved the customization. The story is very good and one of my favorites from storytelling perspective (in other words, HOW the story is told).
I also really liked the combat and exploration of XII. And the Zodiac version makes it even better.
I thought XIII had some of the best moments in the series.
XIII-2 perfected the gameplay from XIII and made storytelling and exploration “fun”
XIII: LR is very experimental and has some of my favorite action-based combat in the series.
World of Final Fantasy is a lot of fun if you want turn based monster capturing.
Stranger of Paradise is a blast. My only issue with it is that you can’t really overpower by leveling up. I hit a hard wall with a boss and the only way through is “get good”.
I didn’t get much into Type-O but I keep meaning to.
Theatrhythm exists. I love it, but it’s also it’s own thing entirely.