That depend on how much work you have to do to keep it working.
Let’s take a fairly common webserver like Caddy. Now you can install this through docker, or natively on linux.
If the app only exists as docker image then it cones down to your ability or recreating what the dockerfile does to get it installed on your lxc container.
Fun fact: early editions of docker used lxc for its containers.
Depends on what you’d want. A dockerfile defines how the image is built. If you want to mimic this then you need scripts.
But I think you could benefit from learning how docker works from the ground up if you want to recreate docker inages in lxc.
Better use is a dedicated docker host (a vm) and run your non-docker on lxc. Treat lxc as a minimal vm for one ( or a few) services/apps per lxcontainer