I wish I could get a VR game where I play with my control as normal, but just use the VR headset to look around.
I wish I could get a VR game where I play with my control as normal, but just use the VR headset to look around.
It will be a Duke Nukem forever situation at this point. It will never live up and it’ll flop
The rest of the word is gonna be part of the Chapet 2 expansion of my comment. There will be no third.
The rabid insanity towards such a non offensive post… You ok guy?
If this kind of thing bothers you, you need to stop gaming altogether. All consoles and developers.
So just leaving the series dead on a cliffhanger is somehow not a copp out to gamers??
Gotta find the user name “el_papa” or “big Poppa pope”, track him down. I wanna play call of duty with him
Just Americans. You guys are fascist idiots
So pointing out my opinion is PR work now? Stupid fascist
Why is everyone here pretending like palworld isn’t a straight up Pokemon clone that went a bit too close with the designs? I mean the game was basically marketed as pokemon with guns. I know you guys have this new hate for Nintendo, but this isn’t even them.
If I made a game about an Italian contractor with a red hat and mustache that fights mushroom people and turtles, you guys would defend it and claim it isn’t a copyright issue lol
Benson explained that because “the various projects that I am affiliated with in my career are family-based, children-based,” voice acting director Kris Zimmerman suggested that she go with a pseudonym.
That’s gotta be the stupidest thing I ever heard. Just about every voice actor does adult Video Games and kids movies. Nobody cares.
Also she’s been on the IMDb credits for the metal Gear games as EVA for like years
I go on psplus and ps store just about daily and I had never heard of this game before. What kind of shit marketing is going on here? Looks like a basic game, nothing special, and it looks like it uses a card system which I despise.
It’s odd, even games like Halo 3 back in the day. I was also a solo player and never thought I fit into a team. I’m a Leroy, I will rush in grenades flying, shotgun blasting so I prefer to play alone. But one time I joined a group and they kept inviting me and we became a unit. They liked that I would rush in the back of an enemy hiding place and flush everyone out with my grenades, shotguns and screaming. I may get killed rushing in there but I’ll take at least one down and flush out the rest for my teammates to pick off.
I miss that group
Wonder if that’s harmful in the long run, cause you’re not allowed to make the bad guys look like what they were, bad guys.
I randomly played the first cause it was on psplus and I got hooked. I really liked this new series and want more
Heavily censored in Germany apparently, which kinda seems odd and protective of Nazis
Like the Segway guy who died by riding his Segway off a cliff
Wait are we arguing that the owner of something isn’t entitled more than someone who stole it?
But they own it. I thought even I could download a ROM if I have the actual game no?
Every dev and game company is out for your money. They all suck not just Nintendo.