And they need to kick out all of the shitty moderators who can’t moderate. They’re all complicit by letting the shit pile up.
And they need to kick out all of the shitty moderators who can’t moderate. They’re all complicit by letting the shit pile up.
You know what? Normally I don’t like politicians sticking their nose in games because historically speaking, they tend to side with the crowd that blames video games for nearly everything.
But this, yes, I’m fucking for this. I’m permanently banned from the Steam Forums because I made an honest suggestion to remove the stupid jester award. Because it was being used to brand all of my game reviews, while trolls were antagonizing me and being all snarky with how they’ve participated in the discussion.
And this went on for a good week and a half. Who did the moderators side with? The fucking trolls of course! Now while I don’t think Warner in particular has anything of interest in cases like mine. But I’ll tell you one thing about trolls online, is that they tend to be part of the groups listed in what Warner wrote to Valve. Because they are pieces of fucking shit that like to ruin everyone in trying to be a community and act like a clique of assholes who tend to have traces of racism, sexism, xenophobic .etc because they all make it out to be a joke.
I’ve noticed that GOG now puts banners on what’s a classic game and what isn’t. I think they should split some parts of the site where one section is entirely classic games and the other is just DRM-free versions of current games.
I have so many thoughts about this.
I would’ve wanted a conclusion just to shut up all of the dead-horse beating to dust memelords that for years have been wagoning their tiresome HL3 jokes.
But, it’s like, how many games have we waited so long to be released whether it’s to continue the story or end it and the reception being more of “…wait that’s it?!” than “I’m satisified.”
Gamers are the hardest people to appease, so I get the sentiment that Gabe not only felt stumped but written himself into a corner with HL3. Whatever hype at all that has been built, is insurmountably high that whatever Valve pitches out, it’s going to be mixed. It’ll have a higher chance of being what happened to Duke Nukem Forever in context, than it being what Baldur’s Gate 3 became 23 years later after Baldur’s Gate II. It’s a very narrow window to hit that sweet spot.
As of Nov 6, 2024, the average annual pay for a Video Game Journalism in the United States is $123,552 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $59.40 an hour. This is the equivalent of $2,376/week or $10,296/month.
Should’ve read the signs.
The day GameInformer got shut down. The day IGN bought a handful of them, just to shut them down. Kotaku has been closing some of it’s branches.
Remasters should never be full MSRP price. That’s just cash grabbing to me. And this is from someone who doesn’t particularly care for RTS games.
Why not since Epic has long stopped caring about anything Unreal in exchange for Fortnite anyways.