Man I love it when billionaire assholes finally figure out what the rest of the world has been saying since the beginning.
Man I love it when billionaire assholes finally figure out what the rest of the world has been saying since the beginning.
Excellent. Was looking forward to trying that.
Lame. Sounds like they made it useless. Maybe it’ll be ok for weak enemies but so is everything.
Is the first Rolling Sparks change just removing that bug where you free aim it at the ground to cause it to deal all it’s damage at once?
Also unsure what the second Sparks change is about.
RIP bloodfiend’s. Heard it was really good.
I want to get used to the pads. I have a deck and never use them. Was there a game that helped you get used to the pads?
Logitech hardware: pretty good!
Logitech software: worst shit I’ve ever seen.
Logitech AI: Dead-drunk Skynet telling you to lick your fans.
Indeed. Worst part of the beast is just running back and forth. Once had it teleport 3 times before I ever got close enough to hit it.
Aww. I was just about to try out the Broken Blade. Wonder if it’s still viable.
Added new feature to summon spectral steed during the Elden Beast the boss battle
Oh heelllll yeah. Fuck you and your teleporting, Beast.
They also nerfed Long Envoys Horn ash and mohg’s spear ash. Lame.
Wonder if a parent company could own them both.
Pornhub should buy a VPN service. Just cut out the middle man.
I hope they do. It’s such a cool mod. I don’t know why from keeps doing such bad multiplayer instead of just normal connection.
Why would he get in trouble? Sony only owns 15% of From. And who the hell would fire him? That’d be like firing Kojima. And we see how that turned out for Konami.
The same way that Full Self Driving works: not at all.
Hasn’t everyone figured out the scam yet? It’s very common.
Release game. Slowly role out content over years in dlc. Make new game with a few core changes and take all the content away. Slowly role out content over years in dlc.
We’re on the 7th iteration people. It’s the same with fighters other than smash. You’re just going to pay to buy the same stuff over and over again.
but what happens if Cara get’s sold and the new company decides to change it
Same thing that happens if a federated instance goes bad: you leave?
Yeah. Thanks for the heads up to not bother, Geoff!
Yeah. With non-pixel phones you can still get SD cart slots, headphone jacks, etc. I think motorola still has cheaper phones that has those things.
It wouldn’t because USBC doesn’t have those expensive standard requirements.
Wow that sucks. I’m glad I’m not in the apple ecosystem.
I don’t know much about this scene. How is this different than an emulator? You still need a ROM I believe.