The first hour or so of Spore was great. I played that three times and then never touched it again.
The first hour or so of Spore was great. I played that three times and then never touched it again.
Who did Perfect Dark?
Yeah $3000 for a $600 TV. Just like in the gamers Nexus video, you’d be better off buying it on a credit card.
It’s a meme where a game company said something similar.
Renting most things long term is dumb as fuck, yet Rent-A-Center is a thing. Technically they do rent to own, but they will set you up with a whole shitty bachelor pad. $10 a month for the table, 20 for the couch, and only 50 for the TV. Over a five year loan. They will and do repo shit and rent it to the next dumbass. Quick what’s 50 times 12 times 5? Doesn’t matter I have a shitty big screen for only fifty bucks!
I had heard of it but I don’t really watch YouTube. I watched that whole video and what a shitshow. I went straight to my wife and said we have to watch out that the kids don’t get caught up in this.
We give an allowance to our young niece and nephew, who both game on PC sometimes, and it seems like this is exactly the kind of shit that would entice our nephew. He has my old PC and it’s really showing its age.
This apology is bullshit.
You post all this and I’m just amazed. Do you have a job? I’m older so gaming has fallen by the side because work and sleep are more important.
On a quick search I’m seeing displayport to HDMI adapters as cheap as $6 on Amazon and $2 on eBay.
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I love the game I just hate having to build the houses and manage the people. It’s not creative it’s just make these boxes in this certain way.
So let’s pretend that IQ is a reasonable measure of intelligence. Do you think that it may be related to undesirable traits?
I would buy all the enchanting mats below a certain price, buy all the items that rewarded those mats, disenchant everything, then list all the mats much higher than I paid. Bank.
I read this thread and I saw 8bitdo recommended a lot and I’ve seen them recommended elsewhere. The hall effect sticks seem to be the gold standard.
My main issue with the Xbox controllers (mine are for Xbox one) is the d-pad. It’s not terrible but it’s not even as good as say a super Nintendo controller for fighting games and retro games in general.
I also use and recommend Xbox controllers. Although I wish I knew about these cool high end brands before I bought. I grew up in a time where all third party controllers were trash, and I carried that opinion for too long.
Wouldn’t that be snake?
I’ve had a couple tools go missing at other sites but all the ladder theft was at one site.
I work a labor job and had three ladders stolen from me on a single project. As I was a contractor at the time it came out of my pocket. There was actually a fourth attempt when I found mine with painter’s tape over where I wrote my name.
They need to give this person a job.
It does include the first two expansions that will come out and leader packs and shit. I have sunk far more hours into civ than any other game. I very rarely buy a game, maybe twice a year. So it was worth it to me. I’ll play it for 500+ hours and at that point it’s 30 cents an hour of entertainment.