I love LGR and his content. Glad to see others do too!
I love LGR and his content. Glad to see others do too!
I mainly use the Deck to play retro titles, and use my desktop rig to play newer or more demanding games. It was worth every penny, thanks to being so easy to set up for the retro games!
Hi! The art direction is definitely one of the top selling points. The gameplay is the top, art direction second, story is third. That is my opinion at least, as the story kind of shoehorned you into choices I didn’t want to make, but I understand it is not my story. It is the story of Jin that I have a little wiggle room to change up slightly.
Hey, Kadu! It’s so good to see you again! I have been using the yuzu zip you sent me, and have been playing the hell out of some of my games. I just wanted to say thank you so freaking much, from the bottom of my heart! 🙏
To give you something else to think about for Fallout 1, 2, and tactics, there were also not very many people who could afford computers at the time of their releases.
I wouldn’t attribute the games being any less good than the newer games just because they didn’t sell as much as those newer games.
Fallout 3 and New Vegas was on PC, Xbox 360, and PS3. That’s also around the time the tech became much more available to the broader audiences. More people than ever had gaming consoles, and gaming PCs.
Fallout New Vegas has a lot of the charm of the older games, especially the wackiness that many love. Fallout 3 was (in my opinion) a much more focused game, in that it focused on the main story and kept most of the wackiness to a minimum compared to the originals and New Vegas.
I see what you’re saying, but if the originals did not exist, neither would the newer games. We shouldn’t shit on the classics, because without those classics, we wouldn’t have the show to even begin with.
Plenty of people remember and adore the first two games, and even tactics. Bethesda’s version of Fallout is great, and so are the originals. Get over yourself.
Larian was cooking while BioWare was microwaving.