Man I used to play the shit out of Tibia. Tried it out recently and really couldn’t pick it up again but damn that MMO had a lot of charm
Man I used to play the shit out of Tibia. Tried it out recently and really couldn’t pick it up again but damn that MMO had a lot of charm
Yup, still salty about that one
I didn’t know they made Dicey Dungeons!
I save my molotovs for that guy and his books
The game is certainly interesting and has great style but there is literally zero interaction other than clicking on bad guys (with the most basic possible AI). No puzzles or environmental stuff or secrets to uncover. No cool abilities or combos. Just keep left clicking with the occasional right click until you’re at the end of the level. It was confusingly dull even if I enjoyed the aesthetic of the enemies and levels.
Lunacid is definitely not a roguelike
This game is a fucking blast
I thought Max Payne 2 was a big step down from the first game. I was disappointed with the changes they made to Max. I didn’t like any of the characterization as much and the plot/writing felt more generic compared to the dark charm of the first game. The whole bit with the guy in the mascot costume was just dumb.
Still fun but the nowhere near as special as the original for me.
It would be like eating soup with a fork
HL: Alyx kinda lit a fire under the plot and I’m super interested to see where things are heading
My first purchase on Steam
Yeah I’m fully addicted
I tried the demo and had an “uh oh I really like this” moment
Dread Delusion and Lunacid. Also thinking of finally picking up Factorio
I tried using my Bluetooth earbuds with my LCD Deck but there was a very noticeable audio delay which made them basically useless. Nobody else seems to be having this issue so maybe they fixed it with an update. I have an OLED Deck now, I should try it again.
Risk of Rain 2
If they take the writing in a more serious direction and tone down the ridiculous amount of legendary loot drops I think this could be amazing
This is depressing. RDR2 is one of the pinnacle achievements in gaming and it seems like it might be the last of its kind.
TotK makes BotW feel like a tech demo
For 2 players? Kingdom: Two Crowns is surprisingly fun