No! bUt ThEy HaVe Ur EmAiL!!!
No! bUt ThEy HaVe Ur EmAiL!!!
Running out of steam
And these people demand that we take their job seriously while at the same time writing what is essentially just bad fanfiction about popular game developers/studios.
These parasites man lmfao unreal. Propping up what industry exactly, their own subgenre of niche writing? Pretty sure the game developers, tech companies, and hardware manufacturers are the ones by far and large carrying the actual gaming economy.
Not having the touchpads is a big downside, but this still fills a huge niche that the others dont. My Xbox elite controller is cool and all, but has neither a gyro nor capacitive joysticks. My dualsense has a gyro, but no capacitive touch so I need to activate it with a button hold or leave it always on.
The Xbox and PS5 controller also don’t treat the paddles as independent buttons by default, so you need an extra layer of software on PC that allows mapping those buttons to arbitrary inputs. Steam Input can overwrite this sometimes, but it’s very inconsistent on a game + hardware basis. The companion app is a concerning “feature”. Hopefully it’s just marketing trying to make up a fancy phrase for “hardware driver”.
WWIII: Special Military Operation still going on. WWIII: Religious Extremism expansion pack just dropped. COVID: 2: Electric Boogaloo in some areas. Election year in like 4+ major countries. Multiple major entertainment failures across the board in multiple entertainment sectors. And major scandals to boot, most notably a massive media icon’s fall from grace via nice and friendly things like coercion, conspiracy to murder, human trafficking, etc.
Gee Kotaku idk. You would think a Japanese corporation’s failure and loss of revenue would be more important to American media outlets during an election year. Crazy how that managed to slip through the cracks.
Oh boy! I’m so excited to wait months for an update to a buggy mess for the update to simply adds a new texture for cans of beans and a new style of jeans.
They’re finally ending the official servers, releasing the source code, and allowing private servers?
You can’t just go out and buy a perpetual license for any random thing you purchase.
Damn it’s been a long time since I’ve had to use the whole thing:
Rolling on the floor, laughing my ass off.
Yeah, they’re very helpful over there. You can learn a lot from them. But also:
Being young enough to believe that kekw is just some 4chan tier slang.
It seems all knowledge shall become lost in the eternal shadow of an aging timeline.
do nothing
The gaben method works again
Not sure and I don’t exactly understand that part. It has to do with the themes and messages behind Bloodborne and how that game is a metaphor for awakening true humanity or something along those lines. But that was just a cross franchise hint for the actual parallel universe in Elden Ring.
From reading his posts, he doesn’t think the game is too hard he thinks there’s an entire game hidden inside Elden Ring. He claims there’s an entire parallel universe for the lands between hidden in the game files and no one has found it because they purposely hid this final “50% of the game” and made it impossible to find.
Then if the game isn’t ready, storefronts chargeback every purchase of the game**** FTFY