It’s great. And it just started updating again after almost 5 years of hiatus!
It’s great. And it just started updating again after almost 5 years of hiatus!
Always looking down to get more FPS while walking around towns…
It’s still hilarious.
There was an option for that. It was called “Descent”.
Get USB OTG and plug in any keyboard. Or you could use a bluetooth one.
Alt works in the CAPTCHA.
I would argue the storyline was a big part of it. While barebones by today’s standards, compared to the likes of Doom, Quake or even Unreal, it was pretty amazing to have a continuous narrative throughout the game.
They can update the remasters all they want and it won’t make delisting the originals any less shitty.
Most people here are (or were) still engaged on other social networks. The engagement seeking mindset is just so widespread, that people bring it with them to the fediverse where it makes no sense.
At least that’s my answer. Not saying it is the cause, but it sounds about right to me.
Reporting and blocking is the only way and have always been, I don’t know what changed that people decided tolerating/engaging with them was being the better person.
I think it’s the general focus on driving engagement and feeding the algorithm.
That will just make them stay on X.
I thought something broke when I opened the link because I have exactly that picture as my desktop background.
If you can play Alyx on a decent headset, you’ll probably want to play Half Life 2 in VR too. The port is amazing.
Hey, yeah, about that cat…
Here’s another reminder to sign this initiative if you live in the EU.
Nah, I noticed that on clients without separate counts. A LOT of comments go down to 0 before climing back again (or not).