I moved from xm3 to xm5, the 5s are better. Also, handling multiple Bluetooth devices is a huge QoL improvement.
I moved from xm3 to xm5, the 5s are better. Also, handling multiple Bluetooth devices is a huge QoL improvement.
Sekiro. Played it a few months ago and I still think about it all the time. Amazing.
I need more Sekiro.
I’m using PopOS and this works pretty well
I finished it on the Deck, it was basically perfect aside from achievements not triggering in the second and third games iirc. Modding it was a pain in the hole, had to essentially install the game on a windows machine, mod it and then transfer all of the files over. Not sure if anything has changed in the last year.
You were so preoccupied with whether you could, that you didn’t stop to think whether you should.
It disappears for me every update, very annoying to have to keep reinstalling.
Sent from my SteamDeck
That ain’t cheating, play any way you like.
Recently played through:
Just started GTA V.
The Deck will never cease to amaze me.
That’s a great game with so much hidden shit and things to work out.
This is great news. More please.
You won’t regret it, Home Assistant is fantastic.
Looks like a great release!