thats fun
thats one of the most badass statements ive ever read
you’re funny. go have a look.
so, uh… it really couldnt be said of any game at all… the idea that the game makes it better than real power washing because you can stop at any time with out leaving a half finished driveway is cracking me up dude i love it
ah well then laddie you just tell me when youre ready to man the old washer
theres always work down the shipyard for ye
im not trying to be provocative
but have you ever considered actually cleaning things
you can get paid to do this
irl power washwers are fun
no way, cool
if you use sweethome and only look at the top view its as good as a 2d application.
I feel like youre just being fussy here man
I mean Pathfinder kind of fixed 5e in my opinion…
what changes in bg3 did you appreciate? rogues being able to cast spells for some reason?
thanks for chiming in!
no shit… thats wild, really. heh. I always presumed it was an optical disk in a little case
money! just production costs I’d say. I took a 3D design class forever ago and they made us get Zip disks, and if you wanted to work on stuff at home that meant you needed a zip drive. My dad (RIP) bought me a drive and I’m somehow still touched as it was a reasonably big purchase at the time for a slacker 18 year old doing 3D design at a community college
Not a 3D designer now, finally went back to college for something else in my 20s… anyway, rip my dad and rip the zip drive, they were cool. 100mb wow
I mean you clearly know way more about it than me… but yeah some kind of carrier/cartridge protecting the disc and we’d probably still be using CD-W-RW’s
minidiscs should have been the standard CDs became. no one would have considered holding a 3.5" floppy disc gingerly by the edges and placing it into a tray to read. the case is critical.
however, the industry realized people were replacing their scratched cd’s, so they’d sell 2, 3 of the same disc to the same person. Source: worked at a record store in the hight of the CD age when mini discs were all but essentially snuffed out
its a standard android phone its marketed toward blackberry users who had no choice but to abandon the key2 as it just got too old to be in any way secure