God damn it’s been so long since I’ve heard anyone say that name
God damn it’s been so long since I’ve heard anyone say that name
That’s new enough for me, considering I’ve probably forgot most of the content since I played this what, ten years ago? More? God damn I was a kid when this came out and now I’m nearly 30
Fucking awful in Montana. Even in cities att barely gets me data once a week. Satellite would almost be necessary in rural America
I think that’s the game for you. My friends and I like to hang out, search for treasure, solve puzzles, and work together to bring down ghost ships. We don’t have any interest in sinking a real players ship, or running from a group of teenagers shouting slurs at us while they try to sink ours.
It’s a fun game when I don’t encounter anyone, but I spend most of my time just outrunning other players trying to kill me for almost no loot
The home button? Like you don’t spend time in the home menu of your phone?
I also use square. I don’t think I could use a smartphone that has a different layout anymore. But my first smartphone was a Windows phone, so it’s engrained in me.
Literally the only reason I use android is because of custom launchers and the ability to use a file explorer. Everything else is just the same
My phone also exclusively recommends pictures of me and my ex partner. The icon on my home screen is always her, every time I open the app at the top it shows “memories” albums of just pictures of her, etc. It already compiles photos of her face, why can’t I just select “don’t show this again” or something?
No, I didn’t mean to say Google did that. Not like Google is a great company, but I’m saying there was a scare a bit ago from the emulator publishers themselves when that happened. At least I thought that’s why aesthersx got taken down, and I thought I remembered others as well. Obviously people seem to disagree
Except they’ve been pulled recently after the Nintendo fiasco
I use my phones until the hardware fails, so they’re useless. I keep them in a box so they don’t end up in landfills.
Is it 2016 again? If so I want to warn someone
I think I lost this analogy. What are the condiments in this metaphor?