When WC1 first launched the one selling point that everyone mentioned was that if you click on units enough times they get annoyed and say “stop poking me!”
Warcraft was always heavy on the whacky, that’s its whole thing.
Gentle nerd freak of the pacific northwest. All nation states are vermin.
When WC1 first launched the one selling point that everyone mentioned was that if you click on units enough times they get annoyed and say “stop poking me!”
Warcraft was always heavy on the whacky, that’s its whole thing.
If they’ve already proven they can steal and lie, of course they’ll get VC money.
At my previous job their was a role where you just called insurance companies and asked them incredibly basic questions about what they planned to do for a patient with diagnosis X and plan Y. This information should be searchable in a document with a single correct answer, but insurance companies are too scummy for that to be reliable.
In 2021 we started using a robot that sounded like a human to call instead. It could handle the ~80%+ of calls that don’t use any critical thinking. At a guess, that’s maybe 5-10% of our division’s workforce that wasn’t needed anymore.
With the amount of jobs like this that are 100% bullshit, I’m sure there are plenty of other cases where businesses can save money by buying an automated bullshit generator, instead of hiring a breathing bullshit generator.
Grifters trying to stymie competing grifts is the ideal use of our throughly corrupt court system. Just the perfect venue for that. It’s like an inception of lies and money.