Eh, not much nefarious you can do by pushing data around. Taking a lot of CPU/GPU usage? Certainly, you can do a lot of evil with distributed computing. But bandwidth?
Costs a lot to host all that data to push to people, and to handle streaming it to so many as well, all for them to just… throw it out? Users certainly don’t keep enough storage to even store a constant 100Mb/s of sneaky evil data, let alone do any compute with it, because the game’s CPU/GPU usage isn’t particularly out of the ordinary.
So not much you could do here. Ockham’s razor here just says… planes are fast, MSFS is a high fidelity game, they’ve gotta load a lot of high accuracy data very quickly and probably can’t spare the CPU for terribly complicated decompression.
100%. I literally bought Echoes of Wisdom on Switch day one, dumped it, and played it in Ryujinx, installing mods to increase settings.
I have the money, and am willing to part with it, but prefer a PC Quality experience. Heck, I’d even pay more for a PC version that didn’t have shader stutter and had real PC options.
That said… I don’t expect it. Nintendo is very stuck in their ways, which has pros and cons. On the one hand, we’re getting good traditional game design, no layoffs, and no micro transactions, which is wonderful. On the other, we’re getting outdated hardware that’s just powerful enough to support their game design ideas (although we’re even seeing the cracks there now), and a diehard dedication to the old console exclusivity model.