Butchering that goose is the common tactic of satisfying shareholders temporarily.
Fortunately, their shareholders are still private and they don’t have to go to that level (yet)
Butchering that goose is the common tactic of satisfying shareholders temporarily.
Fortunately, their shareholders are still private and they don’t have to go to that level (yet)
An accent isn’t exactly a perfect indicator for race.
Where are you from that just speaking would be enough to know your race? Similarly, what are you playing where this occurs? Just curiosity since I’ve never experienced this (from either side).
It does make sense from a payment processing standpoint. It doesn’t make sense to spend more money on creating the transaction than is actually being sent.
For me, the game was very boring and lacked any real challenge. I found myself forcing myself to beat it around halfway through, which did not add to the fun.
What do you mean by this? I’ve played starfield on pc, is it exclusive to pc?
Would a link to a license on a comment will prevent someone from using your comments in a data model? I have doubts.
Bro get over yourself lol
Wtf kind of title is Wariorse?
Does privacy-friendly imply that other weather apps are not privacy friendly?
Is someone selling my once or twice a day check of the weather?
“oh yes, this individual is only particularly interested in the weather when they’re getting dressed for the day or when weather intensity picks up” - literally describes like everyone.
Usually by the time they’ve made it off EGS, I’ve forgotten they exist. There’s been many sequels to games I loved that I forgot existed because of this.
Oh no! Not the games I will never play because they’re exclusive to EGS!
Funhaus didn’t survive Lawrence, Bruce, and eventually Adam leaving, as far as I’m concerned.
Spoole and Joel were always funny and it was sad to see them go but the nail in the coffin was Adam’s unfortunate departure, in my opinion.
One bad quarter beats any long term growth goals, for some reason