Time is not a flat circle. It is linear
Time is not a flat circle. It is linear
I… honestly did not intend to make that pun. Your dumb joke very much made me smile. Thank you.
I set family sharing up a while ago. It’s been great. Only issue is I made my own account a child account and don’t mnow how to undo that. Not a huge deal since I know the pin, just sucks to have to put it in to look at the store or appear online to play with friends. Probably not a steam problem, just user error, and if I put enough effort into fixing it as I did writing this comment I probably would have already fixed it. The answer just doesn’t seem apparent…
Me want Ragnarock on PC
It is absolutely absurd. There have been a lot of games that aren’t polished come out in the last half a decade that got a LOT of flack, but this one cannot be played without a connection to the servers and no one can connect to the servers. I have 15 hours logged and probably 4 of that has actually been playing. The game is by every definition LITERALLY Unplayable.
Twitter is called “X” now, so xbox still works.
I fired that game up for for the first time in probably 4 months yesterday. I played every day since released then got busy and distracted. Holy shit I forgot how intense that game is and I had no clue how to kill the giant tentacles. Suicide mission may have been too much out of the gate. Only died once but was running for my life most the game. I was expecting there to be massive changes to it, maybe a new faction, but it mostly seemed like the same old shit with a few extra strategems and ship mods. I didn’t notice any nerfs, but I am a Dominater/EAT for life kinda guy.