What does that even mean? Why were d1 and d2 good? Plenty of games have come and gone with similar features.
Just as Harry potter wasn’t a great story, but had great timing, I think d2 was the same. It was good but it also was at the right time.
What does that even mean? Why were d1 and d2 good? Plenty of games have come and gone with similar features.
Just as Harry potter wasn’t a great story, but had great timing, I think d2 was the same. It was good but it also was at the right time.
how can you tell one is blocked by an instance?
I see 4
Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s requiem. It’s an older game, GameCube era. I don’t like horror games and this one isn’t true horror. There are some good jump scares and body horror though. I had to stop after a certain scene because of the jump scares. The sanity system is really great.
I don’t do betas, but I’m following your progress! I love this.
And it dismisses the time component of self hosting. It’s not going to be zero.
That’s what I thought I did, though I implied it instead of ask directly.
Like you know that Doom 2016 was the 3rd complete from scratch redo from what they originally started working on after Doom 3, right?
No, I had no idea.
Claiming not a lot of work was done
No, just the opposite. It’s a ton of work for not a lot of results. It’d be like saying it took you 3 days to make a sandwich. That’s wayyyyyy longer than I’d expect it to take, with the caveat, I’m not a professional sandwich maker.
I forgot where I heard it.
Why do people always feel like their inexperience on a topic is relevant?
Because this feels unusual but I’m not an expert and I can’t say whether that amount of time is truly usual or not. I’m in manufacturing and when people say what I said, then it’s usually as an invitation to discuss the topic.
Probably to politely invite contrasting opinions and experiences from people in the field
Exactly. “I’m no expert, but this feels weird.”
I’m not in software dev but 8 years seems a long time to make a game like this. I love the game and play it daily, but it’s not that deep. It’s has 5 maps and 20 guns and 2 kinds of enemies. That doesn’t doesn’t seem like an 8 year dev time.
Are you cherry picking the good games out of older libraries? I find people do that a lot when remembering. It’s a survivorship bias thing. The good ones get remembered more and the bad one forgotten, so they seem like the population is better.
I misunderstood. I meant that the whole initiative was from Sony. Kroxx was talking about the delisting in specific. I don’t have any info on that.
To be fair there is a lot of speculation that this is actually entirely from steam’s side not sony or arrowhead.
Oh, that the delisting is Steam side? I thought you meant in general. My bad. I’ll edit that.
The cm’s have literally said it’s Sony. Why would there be speculation that it’s steam?
Edit: I misunderstood. I meant that the whole initiative was from Sony. Kroxx was talking about the delisting in specific. I don’t have any info on that.
Nowadays? I’ve never enjoyed mobile gaming. Every time I try, there’s been an absurd paywall or monetization. Once that strikes, I’m out.
<3 oxygen not included