I vaguely remember that being a thing for early commercial 8k projectors, but I don’t know anything about the implementation.
I vaguely remember that being a thing for early commercial 8k projectors, but I don’t know anything about the implementation.
So you just need 3 4090’s with 1 displayport each to the monitor and a whole new version of sli.
Tech Jesus is a colloqial name for Steve Burk of Gamers Nexus because of his hairstyle resembling old depictions of Jesus.
Even just getting above the boiling temp of liquid nitrogen is a really big deal. Liquid helium is something we will eventually run out of and is largely dependent on fossil fuel extraction to be collected. Helium can’t be recaptured after it escapes an open loop cooling system.
LN2 is so much cheaper to run and it’s sustainable. We’ll never run out of Nitrogen so long as there’s power to cool it. LN2 is cheaper than craft beer.
I usually look up the number for something like an ftc or fbi tipline if a website absolutely forces putting in personal info.
South China Morning Post publishing propaganda? Say it’s not so.
The speed of sound in seawater is around 1500m/s or 5400 km/hr. Something tells me they won’t actually be going supersonic.
The article shouldn’t be referencing the speed of sound without specifying the medium for the sound waves and conditions such as temperature for water or temperature and pressure for air.
Also, the supercavitation would be incredibly noisy underwater, and at those speeds the vessel itself would produce a very loud pressure wave that would be easy to detect. So its advantage wouldn’t be in avoiding detection, it would be in moving fast enough that detection doesn’t matter because no torpedo could intercept them.
Some companies need to learn that silence on a matter is better than obviously contrived excuses.