Not fucking happening. I wouldn’t pay £100 for any game.
Not fucking happening. I wouldn’t pay £100 for any game.
Is anyone really surprised?
I do think they will at least release Squadron 42, but the main game is never coming out.
I still remember hearing about a Ring 0 exploit in Windows (I may be misremembering, though) that required Ring 0 access. I think if an attacker has access to Ring 0, you’re already screwed anyway.
I think I’ve only played a couple of games where I prefer graphics mode. The ray tracing mode for Doom Eternal on Series X is a good example; it runs excellently and the ray tracing actually makes a visible difference. I use the quality mode in Ghostrunner 2 because there isn’t really much difference in frames between it and the high frame rate mode. I use quality in Final Fantasy XV because the game’s performance mode is staggeringly ugly and blurry.
I pretty much only use mine to play the exclusives since I don’t have a good PC and watch films on 4K blu-rays. My Series X gets far more use (more storage, more games in my library since I’ve been using Xbox since the 360 and a more comfortable controller).
Only if you haven’t got a PC.
I hope that series comes back someday.
I don’t see the point in this. I’m already planning to get a PC (and a Radeon 7900 XTX will always outperform a PS5), so it’s just more money for no benefit.
None of the three things you listed need the CLI, except for a couple of distros. Most distros can use the GUI for those.
HL Alyx and Dota Underlords aren’t tech demos lol.
This game doesn’t look terrible going off screenshots, but I’ll wait until an actual announcement. I’m hoping this may lead into them making more games in the future though.
Gimp and Blender are both available on Linux. VS Code is on Linux (most coding stuff is on Linux). Linux file explorers work pretty well (Dolphin, for example). I’d recommend Kubuntu, KDE neon or Linux Mint for the distro, all are pretty similar in appearance to Windows. It won’t take much learning with them.
Wine can run most of those, not all. You can still dual boot Windows if you need to (VMs are an option, but they aren’t always the best).
No game is worth that price point.