Fingers crossed Gaben outlives me <_<
Fingers crossed Gaben outlives me <_<
Well it’s a cute game but I’d hardly call it impressive. Let’s see what the update brings but it was pretty bare-bones in the past, especially if you compare it to actually impressive indies in the space like Core Keeper.
Typical girlboss character. In the books all she did was bake cookies for Geralt and now she has a sword of course.
Don’t worry, we’re going to preserve these games anyway. Copyright means absolutely nothing in the digital age.
I looked at an “AAA” game maybe twice in give or take the last decade and both times have regretted it. Indie games are the bomb.
They just said it is optimized for gaming and has a toggle to “optimize the CPU drive”… Can’t wait for this technological marvel.
Man I need a replay of the whole series. Thanks for the reminder <3
Was I a good processor?
No one ever mentions the MSX. Best of the 8 bit generation as far as I’m concerned, scrolling purists be damned.
Shareholders: you doubled your profit last year, so I expect you to do it again this year.
One of my all time favorites. This looks like a real remaster rather than SS1’s remake. Either way looking forward to revisiting the Von Braun and the Rickenbacker.