I honestly expected the next Witcher to feature Siri as a protagonist after playing as her a bunch in the Witcher 3. I’m more surprised at how surprised everyone else seems to be at this.
I honestly expected the next Witcher to feature Siri as a protagonist after playing as her a bunch in the Witcher 3. I’m more surprised at how surprised everyone else seems to be at this.
XII was one of the first mainline games I played through, and I really got into it. After playing most of the rest, I get why it doesn’t come off as a “proper” FF game. That said, I always wanted more just like it. Perhaps a spinoff, or maybe ivalice alliance could be reinstated as a more tactics-focused FF franchise while the main line goes on doing… whatever it did for XVI.
Tactics was actually my first introduction to FF as a whole. I was intimidated by the numbers attached to the titles of all the other ones, so tactics seemed like a good place to start. I still love the music and the atmosphere of Ivalice, and I feel like so much is left unsaid about that realm.
I’m inclined to think some corporate entity is somehow tied to this based on nothing but my gut.
I’ve never seen a game I’d actually want to play on my smartwatch until now.
Sony apparently saw this as their “Star Wars moment”, and went all in. Apparently there was also a culture of “toxic positivity” inside the studio where people became too reluctant to actually criticize anything. Sony probably heard nothing but enthusiasm.
Colin said in the clip that it doesn’t include the cost of the buyout.
Imagine if even a quarter of Concord’s budget had gone to efforts on PSVR2…
What main storyline? I jumped in late and none of it made sense. I couldn’t even figure out what order I had to play. Gameplay was great as long as it wasn’t PVP.
(Just as a side reference, the “iMac” is that all-in-one computer that just looks like a big monitor on your desk that connects to a keyboard and mouse.)
Well then let them. It’s no skin off your back and no one else is actually getting hurt, so just ignore it.
I would guess the absurdity is the point. People trying to make each other laugh. If it bothers you, you don’t need to be there.
Tbh I love FO4. It’s not the best in the series, but I’ve played it through a couple times and wouldn’t mind playing it again soon. Hardly anything I’d call a colossal failure. FO76 was a hot mess at launch, but it had its hooks. I got that at launch and ended up playing more of it than I expected considering. No clue about Starfield, but if FO4 and 76 didn’t bug me as much as it did everyone else, I might get on with it decently… assuming they put it on PS5 at some point.
I think Elder Scrolls VI will do well no matter what condition it’s in, though I also doubt it will be a smooth launch.
Would successfully decompiling this game make the process any faster for the sequel, or is it just a manual labor thing?
To ride this special car, you must agree to not open the windows.
Expectation: No? Okay, then I cannot allow you to ride this special car.
Valve: nope? Okay well get in anyway… Whaaat you opened the windows? Wtf?
Not saying the verge writer was or wasn’t behaving like an entitled child. In fact, I’m inclined to think he was, but It’s irrelevant. Valve made a goof. (Gasp!)
I could care less what valve does in response. They could blacklist the verge entirely and I probably wouldn’t even know. I just wonder if people only care because it’s valve.
So people need to be bound by EULAs that they don’t click to agree?
The guy hit esc to back out and the game launched anyway. Love it or hate it, whoever screwed up, it wasn’t the verge.
I got the steam deck to play older games and games that aren’t on my console of choice.
None of the games I play have given me any trouble, but I find myself starting each new game with a ritual of performance optimization tweaks. It could be anything from adjusting graphical settings to capping frame rates to changing the default resolution scaling, and sometimes I’ll revisit these during my playthrough. It doesn’t bother me all that much, but playing on a proper console is less hassle.
As a cis male, fwiw, I personally wouldn’t even think about it if the male body was option B or 2 or whatever, but what do you think about a feminine to masculine slider? I think Elden ring did that and it seems pretty clever. After that I think there were other sliders for options such as weight or fitness or whatever.
It almost sounds like “Autumn Fall”