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I cooked food for 20 years. Now I build computers and dive down Linux 🐇 🕳️s on a personal learning journey.
Fibromyalgia sucks! Existence is pain and resistance is futile. Thanks for noticing me.
Bazzite🎮Gamer👾Linux Nerd https://bazzite.gg
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Gotta play the Time Splitters games. (3 of em).
Whatever Gauntlet games they ported from Arcade.
Not on my GrapeneOS Pixel 9.
Comrades, it is:
I have nothing I want you to see.
I have nothing to hide.
Me happily using Bazzite for ~2 years since it was in beta.
No more tinkering. Just gaming.
It’s usually, almost always accompanied by:
wine updated to latest bleeding edge
dxvk updated to latest git
vkd3d-proton updated to latest git
Ver. bumps for it’s wine/DXVK/VKD3D/etc as well which can be significant sometimes. without manually downloading/installing/building yourself otherwise
Vanadium being a GrapheneOS user.
I mean… I upgrade every ~2/3 years.
But only during sales and only with boosted trade ins.
This year I got two 9s for ~$150 with boosted trade ins for my 7pro/8pro and holiday sale.
There’s even a
And technically Graphene has extended legacy support for:
Cheaper than worrying about battery replacement for old crusty pixles >.>
+1 for GrapheneOS
I also love the auto-bluetooth off after X~time
Google Store has offers till 12.28 I got two 9s for ~$150 after trading in my 7pro and 8pro.
I know for monitors the dock specs are: 4k_60 or 1440_120. Display Port or HDMI, doesn’t matter.
I can verify I had it power my two PC monitors at 1440_120x2 I didn’t test variable refresh rates tho.
For me … I just plug the dock USB C top cord out/off and on/in again 🥹.
After the deck is booted and at steam screen or desktop mode.
Then for future boots, it’s usually okay. If not… Repeat step 1.
I blame CEC/HDMI control shenanigans.
Upon checking the Steam Display settings… You could try toggling the External display safe mode button to on
I know on Desktop mode when it is docked, under KDE Plasmas’ System Settings > Display Configuration
when docked, should have more resolution and refresh rate options. For the TV display
So I just noticed on my OLED solo on the screen it only allowed 90hz. Brb after more science. But there’s probably a way to keep the external at 60hz and the deck display separate.
So I have my TV fed through my sound bar, but it does let me make sure it’s 60hz and 4k ✅
For context having them the same refresh rate only matters if you were playing on a PC and streaming to the Deck TV set-up over Steam Play.
Sorry for any confusion. My bad.
On my C9PUA
it just works with the dock.
Did you try locking FPS / Display settings to 60 on deck/TV?
AMD only does 60hz over HDMI because HDMI forums. Need Display Port for beyond 60hz.
For what it’s worth, non evoker dragon people can use visage form to be humanoid/normal armor/weapon models.
It also works as an HP regen+ aura out of combat.
This is the way.
I love and use Bazzite 🎮 myself ✅
I tried to shill Steam Deck / Bazzite on a gaming PlayStation 5 post about Disc Drive being DLC, and it didn’t go well :(
I even informed them PS5 is just Open BSD with training wheels/handicaps.
Consider Aurora or Bazzite. If you wanna roll with KDE.
Imagine just turning it on and using it.
Chromebook easy Atomic Fedora with extra goodness baked in.
Boot to desktop mode.
is checked to allow.