Explain in one sentence what cloud saves are and how they conflict with it being a singleplayer offline game.
Explain in one sentence what cloud saves are and how they conflict with it being a singleplayer offline game.
Gamer moment
Huh I’ve been playing Cyberpunk in wayland all along. Hope you get to play too and that the issue wasn’t something else!
Honestly my Anbernic rg40xxv (yes all their devices have convoluted names lol) just arrived and I couldn’t be happier. Really into retro games right now so I don’t need more than the power of this lil guy.
Widelands for a The Settlers 2 feeling!
Most recent one I can rememver was beating Tears of The Kingdom. I was SO invested in the final boss battle and I got really emotional. I was so immersed I was basically vocally taunting the boss for everything they had done. Only other time that happened was with Cyberpunk 2077 and only because of Edgerunners.
Then in the past (jesus has it really been more than 17 years??) the first time my buddy and I beat Halo 1 on Legendary after an all-nighter of gaming. That was awesome. Horrible smell in that room tho lmao.
I thought this doesn’t work cause AndroidTV forces its own DNS server, specifically, Googles own.
I have simply blocked internet access (but not local network access) for mine. I only use it for jellyfin and Nintendo Switch tho.
D:OS2 is one of the very few games that made me cry with the emotions I had for my characters. I hope you like it, great game.
I wish I could play Cyberpunk for the first time again. Enjoy! Did you see the anime Cyberpunk: Edgerunners? Would highly recommend.
Seems to be a non-EU problem then I guess.
Huh? What do you mean? For me it looks like this (am in the EU tho):
Non-Steam was Turtle WoW with the hardcore mode.
Steam was Path of Exile 2 and 1.
Ich hab auch Qualität statt Quantität verstanden =P danke!
Anybody got an opinion on which is the best Far Cry game aside from the first three?
Nothing yet. Currently having Slime Rancher and Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood in my cart. Wondering if buying games right now is even worth it with PoE2 coming next friday lol
The three patents—all filed in Japan between May and July 2024—draw similarities between Palworld and 2022’s 2022’s Pokémon Legends: Arceus specifically. Their descriptions concern game mechanics like “riding an object” or throwing a ball to capture and possess a character in virtual spaces.
FUCK Nintendo
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Welllll I am doing a hardcore run so my grouping up is limited ^^
The words may be american but the mindset is the same for cops around the globe.