Imagine being this salty about steam cards and C’s skins
Imagine being this salty about steam cards and C’s skins
Honestly I loved that series growing up so mutch I sure hope they go back to the mass effect 3 formula for the next one.
I rather doubt they will but the hope’s there
Even with the annoying YouTuber trying to make silly content out of it I’d say it actually kept into the roleplay pretty well
I bought it and I’m a bit disappointed, it scratches the creeper itch a bit but it kinda does away with the creeper world formula of making massive bases
Nintendo’s lawyers are too busy doing DMCA claims of videos for 5 seconds worth of sound or video to go after a guy making a false claim in their name
Did they release a fifth installment?
I’ve never had any issues with pirating said games myself
I don’t understand why people get angry enough at this to down vote it
You say that as if companies weren’t pushing over the air firmware updates these days
Inb4 they “update” the firmware and suddenly they stop working if you’re not subscribed
In this modern era? Most likely not
They’re going lean so they’re firing half their workforce so the rest can produce more work. Don’t worry though middle management is safe
Even if you just want to chill you can easily use cheat engine to give you infinite resources and it’s still challenging and captivating believe it or not. I played through all the campaigns that way and enjoyed them all. People really need to give a shot to cheating in single player games they’re iffy about, sometimes it can create the experience you’re actually looking for
His name was dong?
We had the demo growing up, game always kicked my ass I have the look of the skeletized dead soldier portrait burned into my head lol
Man mobile gaming is such utter crap in general, I hope the handheld gaming PC trend picks up and people start developing actual competing games for Android instead of micro transaction filled pay to win pieces of shit games
Gba games on my phone were the shit in my late teens
Well if they don’t want your money anymore you might as well sail the high seas
Frankly Bethesda would do very well with remastering all their previous tes games, including the first two.
I would really like to play Morrowind with the option of a modern UI instead of dragging windows around and clicking stuff