So, most of my recommendations are going to be FPS or first person. For Valve related stuff:
- Half-Life 2 is pretty much a must have along with Episodes 1 and 2.
- Black Mesa is a remake of the original.
- Entropy : Zero 2 is a fantastic fan made mod that’s a good follow up after finishing Half-Life 2 and the episodes.
- The original Entropy : Zero is pretty good, but the default difficulty is hard as hell.
- Portal 1 and 2 are also a must have
- Portal: Revolution is an independent mod that’s a good follow up after 2.
As for non-Valve games and related:
- Crab Champions - fast paced, third-person, rogue-like shooter.
- Talos Principle 1 and 2 - first-person puzzles with a serious philosophical scifi story. It actually gets a bit heavy when it discusses mortality and death. 1 is being remade into a “definitive edition”.
- Untitled Goose Game - Honk!
- Gnorp Apologue - fun little game
- Pineapple on pizza - it’s free. I would describe it as games-as-art.
- Any of the Serious Sam games. They were made for PC.
- Fallen Aces is still in early access, but a good story driven retro FPS with sprites and multiple ways of navigating each level.
- Trepang2 - a bit of an odd FPS with bullet time.
- Roboquest - rogue like FPS
- Exit 8 - horror walking simulator. Kinda short once you figure it out.
- APE OUT - Ape smash! Top down “shooter”.
- Hotline Miami 1 and 2 - top down shooters with fast deaths and excellent soundtracks
- The Binding of Isaac - has always been popular if a little dated
- Gunpoint - stealth puzzle third person. Came out a decade ago, but a good game.
- Party Hard - little indie murder-everyone-and-don’t-get-caught.
- The Stanley Parable - walking simulator with some interesting dialog and interactions. 9-to-5 office people can relate.
- Dusk - awesome boomer shooter
- Antichamber - came out a decade ago, but it’s mind bending first-person puzzles.
- Hades and Hades 2 which is in early access. Third person isometric rogue-like.
- The Invincible - Story driven walking simulator based off the book of the same name. Good story.
- Firewatch - story driven walking simulator
- Deep Rock Galactic - wasn’t my pint of beer, but a lot of people like it.
A Shelter Full of Cats I’m a sucker for any game from Devcats.