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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 30th, 2024

  • I’m assuming the windows machine is a work PC and the Linux is yours right?

    Because what you describe doesn’t sound like a “windows” issue but rather an IT management issue.

    You can put off updates and reboots a very long time. And always be able yo postpone them.

    Applying updates on boot daily sounds dumb to me. But I’m also figuring your IT dept has poor (or no) sense in managing their inventory well. Most updates can be applied silently at a scheduled time.

    Also, your machine sounds old and/or poorly maintained the way you describe it. If its more than 5 years old your company is just cheap.

    I’m all for griping about Windows but this seems off to me.

  • Exactly. And that’s why people are misunderstanding the sentiment. Its not that AI doesn’t have value, its that it doesn’t have revenue. They want more return on investment before investing more.

    I can criticize Microsoft all day, but that logic in itself isn’t bad business. Of course the counter argument is they have the money to float the difference until they turn a profit. But I’m not in the habit of saying how other people should spend their money.

  • I have a hard time making the connection that DMS is making.

    OnlyOffice is a Russian company, so it naturally has “ties” to Russia.

    They have not condemned their government for invading Ukraine, which can be for many reasons. Maybe they approve of it as DMS concludes. But maybe they don’t want to get political at all (hell, look at what a single comment from Andy Yen has done to views of Proton). Maybe they don’t want their government making life difficult for them. There could be a multitude of reasons they didn’t say anything.

    The way the statement is written is condemning for lack of evidence. Which is fine as an opinion. But that’s all it is.

    Don’t get me wrong, I followed your link because I wanted to know and appreciate the heads up. If there’s shady stuff then I’ll avoid them. I have no ties to OnlyOffice for anything.

    But being honest with the info doesn’t support the DMS claim. I’m happy to be wrong if there’s other information out there, but their biased statement makes me distrust DMS more than OnlyOffice.

  • I think you put too much weight on everything, including your opinion. I am not trying to be insulting, just realistic.

    I can equally say that I hate how so many people say, “just switch to Linux, its easy and does everything.” Neither of those is the case because it doesn’t factor in the learning curve nor does Linux do everything.

    So if you want more Linux users, focus more on being helpful. Ask what their specific concerns are, or what apps they must have vs would be nice to have. Point people to distros that would fit their use case (it’s mind boggling as a non Linux user to just look up what distro to get). Then point them towards how to find answers to their questions and troubleshooting steps.

    Nuture the seeds you plant and they will grow. Yelling at them that they aren’t growing isn’t going to help.

  • Absolutely. And particularly it was is “batches” especially as you get to Shadow.

    Collecting stuff as you go along playing is fine (I mean, I’d argue not because it’s lazy game making but its normal). But going along and hitting a village that has 50 side quests in it just interrupts flow.

    Plus, they made nested fetch quests so I felt trapped in a loop. OK I’ll just do this one quest…“hey, now that I see that you are good at fetching arbitrary items, I want you to go get this for me too”

  • I’m an old fart that grew up on these games too. They were what I lived for. Kings Quest 1 blew me away. Then 2 had me hooked. 3 was another level and felt so big.

    I collected their catalogs and dreamed f what would come next. There was a box art for KQ4 they showed in the catalog that didn’t make it to the actual box. It was amazing and I wished I had that.

    I also played Space, Police, and Heros Quest, but Kings Quest was my jam.

  • If the best description of something can only be broken down to “reddit liked it” then either the person doesn’t know how to describe anything, or that’s an accurate description in itself.

    I watched the first episode and found it not interesting. Certain things were good and others bad, but I just didn’t care and was waiting for it to end.

    Apparently I’m in the minority as fans seem to flock to defend it. To each their own.