My religious beliefs? I don’t have any. Nor have i stated anything about certain people being superior over anyone else.
You’re right, the f35 has not been performing strikes against Eastern nations directly. That doesn’t mean it has never been tested. They’re sold to various countries in Europe and each and every nation does test their capabilities with their own systems. Each of their neighbours take every oppertunity to test their capabilities as well. Everyone has come to the same conclusion. The ram capabilities of the f35 is mighty impressive.
You’ve displayed your lack of insight into each and every aspect enough as it is.
And addressing your childish game of name calling isn’t an ad hominem attack. But it is funny you mention that, seeing how you unprovoked, resort to personal attacks. The comment-chain is there to read for everyone. You’re the only one between us making personal attacks.
They honestly probably don’t care much about the outcome.
But they do have to challenge it as soon as they find out, otherwise it could be used against them in future cases.