The difference between $12 and $14 is not equal to 50% of $12.
ArmokGoB: ArmokGoB
The difference between $12 and $14 is not equal to 50% of $12.
2007 called
I need to pick this up when I get home. I keep putting it off.
Penultimate Fantasy
I agree that the only way to get better is to do something over and over again. However, there is the more practical issue of there only being 24 hours in a day. I think students should be expected to work less over a longer period of time. I ground myself into dust in undergrad and I wish I just took an extra year of school. It was almost as bad in high school. I was waking up to go to school at 6:30 AM and then not finishing my homework until 10 PM or later.
Missed his chance to Blow
I can’t wait to have a Destiny 2 ghost IRL
Where’s my Sobe?
I would love to see a class action lawsuit against Blizzard for this bait and switch scheme.
In other news: water is wet and bears shit in the woods
Let me know when Destiny 2 runs and I’ll come on over.
Every time I’ve used OSM I’ve seen the maps vandalized. I don’t trust anything running on OSM.
I played at launch too. It wasn’t as bad as people were making it out to be, but I ran into a number of major bugs.
That’s exactly what it is.
You can only cut out so many people in so many industries before the economy collapses. I’d like to see what it would look like if like 30% of people lost their careers to AI. Maybe there would finally be a push for UBI and/or stronger tax laws for large corporations.
Anti-AI people tend to be grifters just as much as the people who think AI (in it’s current form) will solve all our problems.
I’ve played 1,300 hours of Destiny 2. I basically wrote my graduate thesis on how it uses psychological tactics to exploit its playerbase and how contemporary business models in gaming are harmful to consumers. Anyways, I gotta grind out my red borders before TFS drops.
We don’t talk about how they racked up hundreds of thousands of negative reviews in three days last week with their shitty business decisions.
Then he should put that in the title.