Man, that was so much fun. Back then when games actually amazes you that much that you had so much fun and Road Rash was definitely one of my favourites.
Man, that was so much fun. Back then when games actually amazes you that much that you had so much fun and Road Rash was definitely one of my favourites.
I see, I see
If I think about the first time playing mgs, it just blew my mind what you can do there. Even the simple things, like when the soldiers saw your footsteps in the snow. What they did with that game back then was extraordinary in many ways.
For sure!
I used the sound effects of metal gear for years on my phone :D (https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLzY7EDSZRz-dy23XaO11b2-zZGfTwoaY)
I should tell my family that they must play the metal gear solid game over sound at my funeral lol
Do you also have many special memories with those games?
What an awesome game. Metal gear 1 and 2 will always have a special place in my heart
Al’right, thank you. I have it on my wishlist, it’s just that I don’t trust games anymore, which is why I wait for better deals. But the positive reviews speak for themselves in this case
Counter Strike Source was like chess if you ask me. In CS GO they added this gambling system, which made the game less attractive for me
Would you recommend it to the current price (24,50€) or would you recommend to wait for better deal?
At the beginning, it definitly is. But after you played several runs, you get less and less new ways of winning. The game offers you new jokers whenever you make some significant progress and for a while, thats a lot of fun.
I haven’t had so much fun for a while now. I played it for like 40 or 50 hours
I do. It’s on my wishlist because I have so many new games that I didn’t play yet that it wouldn’t make sense to buy it now I just wondered, in regard to the gameplay, if some people eventually feel bored after some days :) so thanks for the feedback
How long can you play the game without getting bored?
Wait what? :'D