No, schizophrenia is how you get Temple OS
IED(EDS) sufferer and spectrum surfer. You probably won’t like what I have to say.
No, schizophrenia is how you get Temple OS
Ok I’ll just go grab some sand and refine it into silicon then bake my own chips then code my own kernel and OS and applications because that’s the only way to ‘control’ it.
Companies need to be held to regulatory standards about our private data, and the ONLY reason those regulations don’t exist is because every FUCKDAMN politician in the world was born before TV had color
Turning the feature on by default is bad, but
Nope, no further. Downvoted and blocked.
Don’t you fucking try and justify this.
There are no ethical companies, only ones that are currently more profitable to operate as if they were.
The answer will always from now on be ‘yes’, for every annoying privacy invading toggle you have to change, it is in the best interest of the software creators to force you to do it in the way that benefits them most.
Our opinions are no longer as important as their ability to harvest our data.
Inceloids are so whiny nowadays a game about squares gets complaints about diversity pandering
I’m less angry about the terrible software and moreso about it’s terrible community.
Do you honestly think linux will be desktop ready if people can’t just install it and go?
It doesn’t matter who’s fault it is, it only matters if a solution is forthcoming.
If the manufacturers don’t make it, then one of you has to. But you are all too busy working on your fuckdamn vanity distros to actually unify and do something to forward the OS.
Removed by mod
Ok cool now make a distro that handles my peripherals. Oh that’s not happening? Ok, fuck linux.
Significant uptick in fools to block today on lemmy.
It feels like reddit 2015 up in here.
Or you can just pirate it and choose not to support an anti-vaxxer
Before the DLC I might have agreed with you.
DLC included, ER is significantly harder than DSII
Not that this is a bad thing
Plaintiff will have to prove some form of legally enshrined harm has occurred.
I can’t imagine what kind of results from not winning due to difficulty that may be appealing to a judge as a form of ‘damage’.
Is this your first time being exposed to frivolous lawsuit bullshittery?
Pretty sure people have actually sued MMOs over group content, several times if I recall.
None of them won, of course.
In America, you can sue anyone for literally anything.
Doesn’t mean you’ll win, but it’s basically a highly enshrined natural right that only the rich can make best use of.
Oh man that site looks just like the internet before it started to suck.
Thanks for the tip, so glad Lemmy makes it easy to block communities.
Also: It seems everyone is claiming it didn’t affect Linux but as part of our corporate cleanup yesterday, I had 8 linux boxes I needed to drive to the office to throw a head on and reset their iDrac so sure maybe they all just happened to fail at the same time but in my 2 years on this site we’ve never had more than 1 down at a time ever, and never for the same reason. I’m not the tech head of the site by any means and it certainly could be unrelated, but people with significantly greater experience than me in my org chalked this up to Crowdstrike.
No it was a shitty OS with very VERY little hardware support,
and he built it because the voices in his head told him to build a temple and he was too lazy to be a carpenter.
Have you actually installed it? Because I have. It’s BARELY an OS
The ‘security’ mumbo jumbo is mainly to cover his networking incompetence