They are already tagged as explicit/clean in the metadata as well as separated by folder with an [E] tag if explicit. I could manually rematch them but my library is large so I’d really rather not
They are already tagged as explicit/clean in the metadata as well as separated by folder with an [E] tag if explicit. I could manually rematch them but my library is large so I’d really rather not
I like Plexamp but there’s a couple of things to be aware of depending on your music library that took me a while to figure out:
These probably aren’t issues to the majority of users with just their favorite songs in mp3 or flac 16-44, but it’s something for people with larger hi-res/multichannel libraries to be aware of that I recently learned.
I just bought a few refurbished 12TB WD Ultrastars off Amazon and it actually says it’s sold by ServerPartDeals. Not sure if it’s the same people but interesting if they are
Maybe they are thinking of iVentoy which is not open source but is by the same dev
Only one monitor? Trash
Yes it looks like it is included in the official docker image
You can watch rss feeds to follow all CVEs like Microsoft’s https://api.msrc.microsoft.com/update-guide/rss
NIST used to have an rss feed for CVEs but deprecated it recently. They still have other ways you can follow it though https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/data-feeds
Or if you just want to follow CVEs for certain applications you can host/subscribe to something like https://www.opencve.io/welcome which allows you to filter CVEs from NIST’s National Vulnerability Database (NVD)
It looks like it should be possible as both your cpu and motherboard support Intel VT-d
https://download.asrock.com/Manual/Z690 Extreme.pdf
PCIe pass through isn’t enabled by default in Proxmox and requires some manual changes to the bootloader (grub or systemd-boot) as well as loading some kernel modules. You may also need to enable VT-d in your BIOS. You can read proxmox’ guide for enabling PCIe pass through here:
I always keep a usb around with freedos for that reason. Works great and you don’t have to deal with windows