But BioWare games used to be the top tier gaming company standard for excellence. Bethesda used to release amazingly ambitious titles that were unmatched (albeit buggy!).
Greed outweighs the love of games.
But BioWare games used to be the top tier gaming company standard for excellence. Bethesda used to release amazingly ambitious titles that were unmatched (albeit buggy!).
Greed outweighs the love of games.
You can literally request Nintendo IP there. Doesn’t mean that it will come true, but I requested literally all Mario amd Zelda games as soon as I found out.
There is no comparable equal to those titles on PC.
Well, this guilty person stood up, plead guilty, and accepted the sentencing.
That is the key difference. People who will never admit fault or guilt will invariably delay the end of the trial and resulting sentence.
I have spent years trying to find a Super Mario World or Super Mario Galaxy feel to games. I am not looking for photo realistic. I am looking for a game.
Divinity: Original Sin 1 / 2 Dragon Age (any) Baldur’s Gate (any)
Excellent, LONG story if you want them to be. You have a group to adventure with.
In this video:
It looks like the new cartridge will be very similar to the original Switch Cartridge. We can’t confirm for sure, and we can only speculate why.
On all non-steam games added to my library, I always do a quick internet search for “+ steam deck control” to help with the layout. It’s not perfect, but I find a lot of useful info for starters.
The cool thing about the Deck is that you can push the Steam key and update those controller settings on the fly.
I play all my GOG games on the Steam Deck. It takes only a very small amount of tweaking. Additionally, I add them as “non-steam games” in the library, update the artwork and icon, and have a very clean interface.
I play Minecraft on the Deck the same way.
Completely agree. BioWare started it’s downward trend when it thought it could cash in on MMORPG billions by creating Star Wars: The Old Republic. Don’t get me wrong, Bioware made awesome games until ~2010. They were bought out by EA in 2007, and that is where we can clearly see that passion was lost. Good games still came out, but they weren’t great.
I will always hold a special spot in my heart for the Elder Scrolls. I’ve played since Daggerfall in the late 90s. I got into Fallout later, but went back and played the originals (except for tactics). A lot of people hate on Skyrim as being janky, but I was there for the original release. Did it have issues? Of course, and it still does. But this was 11 / 11 / 2011 we are talking about. Skyrim was doing things that no one in gaming was doing well, and they told a good story to boot.
The issue that I have with most studios is that they step away from the ideas of furthering or completing a story just because they can’t think of a new gimmic or mechanic to make it hugely profitable. They need those profits to justify the staggering wages paid to the CEO’s. Not to the writers, programmers, or artists.
So Bethesda lost a lot of love when they (like BioWare) attempted to cash in on MMORPGs with Fallout 76.