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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2023

  • I run a personal dnsmasq just for dns resolving/routing. It integrates well with Networkmanager. Easy to work with and very reliable to have the DNS resolution and routing be handled by dnsmasq. Single command to reload NetworkManager which also reloads the integrated dnsmasq. I like it and it offers a lot of control for me. I hate having to use the hosts file for when I am connecting to labs via VPN with their own network. dnsmasq is way better at handling subdomains than the hosts file and it feels way more reliable than just hoping the minimal DNS routing system works properly.

  • Reading the room is a skill, not a burden… Keep your opinion, we also have our own. No wonder YouTube got rid of the down vote button and other social platforms don’t really have one. Both sides pretty much want to suppress each other. No matter how much I like factorio, I don’t think many people who do play it care about is looks and the people who also play mindustry also don’t care how “terrible” it looks when we consider your standards as the measurement…

    You done goofed your reasoning. You rolled a nat 1 on charisma and intelligence check. Rip bozo

  • There are definitely some maps on the new planet where I seemingly realized that pausing was strictly necessary as the waves start overwhelming the defenses and units to the point that I either run out of resources or they somehow sneak one drone in that wrecks havoc on the supply lines that are already packed with not enough space to add the turrets that can deal with the advanced units. Eventually, it really became a race to finish as fast as possible. Also, the staggered unlocks or limited resources on some maps were brutal.

  • Yeah Linux still has plenty to work on. It’s unfortunate how limited the support is. If game and app developers could target Linux, then the cost to support and maintain would be lower than they have to do with Windows. Unfortunately, market share and power of defaults work against us.

    If you can, look towards getting a steam deck. At least that is a Linux thing that is pretty decent and portable.

  • Yes, but I usually add my public key to the authorized_keys file and turn off password authentication once i do login with a password. On top of that, I have a sshpass one line command that takes care of this for me. It’s much easier than trying to manually type a password for the next time. I save it and just run it every time I think about using password login. Next time I need to ssh, I know the password login is not necessary.

    sshpass -p ‘PASSWORD’ ssh [email protected] “echo ‘`cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`’ > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && echo ‘Match User !root
    PasswordAuthentication no
    Match all’ > /etc/ssh/sshd_config’ && exit” && ssh [email protected]

    At the next reboot, your system will now only accept key logins, except for root. I hope the root user password is secure. I don’t require it for root because if a hacker does gain shell access, a password(or priv esc exploit) is all they need to gain root shell. It is also a safety net in case you need to login and lost your private key.

  • I always shy away from newer tech because of lackluster documentation and poor leadership. The latter is rare enough. Without proper documentation, I feel like I have to read the code and make my own notes to put into their documentation platform. Which is not what I want to do when I use it. Contributing is nice, but when doing something a core member would do without credit, it will dissuade me from participating.