Yeah, that would be something great for sure!
Yeah, that would be something great for sure!
Sorry, I meant PDF arranger
I like to add xournal++ for editing PDF without a functional form field. And as other said already: PDF Ranger and Firefox itself
Love the form factor. That’s right my alley
Never recording videos… That is outrageous ;) Interesting train of thought, though. Video is the main data hog on my drives. It’s easy to mess up the compression. At the same time is combines audio, image and time in one easy to consume file. Personally, i would miss it.
Wow, that was a rabbit hole of information, links and ideas. Thanks a lot. I reached a point of what I would call “satisfaction” was back linked by Nestor and it seems to give me an idea of what I’ll do next. Thanks again 👍
“The strength is in the diversity of the mediums” I like that. Should be part of the book of Zen for Backups. Thank you for your insights.
M-disk, never heard of that. I got a quick research done and it seems to be exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!
Interesting take on the test process. Never really thought of that. I just trusted in rsyncs error messages. Maybe I write a script to automate those checks. Thanks
Good advice. My off-site is my brother’s place.
Checked it out, thanks. I have to figure out, how it compares to my rsync Script
So you would suggest to get bigger and bigger storages?
I really like and can embrace the philosophical part. I do delete rigorously data. At the same time, i once had a data lost, because I was young and stupid and tried to install Suse without an backup. I still am sad to not to be able to look at the images of me and my family from this time. I do look at those pictures/videos/recordings from time to time. It gives me a nice feeling of nostalgia. Also grounds me and shows me how much have changed.
That is an always ON approach? For example with an NAS? While that is a very save approach, it does not fit the idea of having something “on the shelf”. Thank you for the advice though :)
Ugh, sounds icky. Thanks for the advice:) This one is nice
Had no problem with Linux mint 21.x.
In m opinion, practicing with real life problems is the best teacher. There are some ways to cut and convert videos, audio and images via terminal. Maybe there is still a way to enrich or streamline your workflow with that. Maybe a script which will prepare the folder of your next project. Also, xdotools let you automate a lot of sometimes tedious routines.
Thanks for sharing. That is not what I expected. My nuc sometimes seems sluggish, even with a fairly small load. Guess i have something hogging the resources. 🤨
Thank you, i will get myself one of those 301 and check it out 👍
I use handbrake CLI with this line
HandBrakeCLI -i /dev/sr0 -o output.mkv --preset="H.265 MKV 2160p60" --all-subtitles --subtitle-burned=none -q 16
To rip directly from the DVD drive. It’s not perfect but pretty good as all in one solution